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Understanding Elixir's gradual typing

Source: changelog.com
José Valim, the creator of Elixir, along with community members, have been developing a gradual typing system for Elixir over the last few years. Although Elixir traditionally is a dynamically typed language, there has been demand from the community for more reliance on types to find bugs and enforce contracts between code segments. This typing system utilizes pattern matching and guards within Elixir's code semantics. While the progress to date has covered only a small fraction of the language's constructs, Valim is optimistic about its future potential. The typing system aims to offer bug discovery without requiring developers to change their code. Furthermore, Valim envisions the completion of an official type system incorporated into the language. He also discusses the current state of AI tooling, particularly in relation to LLMs (Large Language Models) like GPT, which don't yet offer robust support for Elixir due to various factors, including corpus size and the dispersal of community knowledge across different platforms.
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