Understanding How Phoenix Updates `:page_title`

Understanding How Phoenix Updates `:page_title`
In the provided content, German Velasco delves into the mechanisms behind the `:page_title` assign in Phoenix. This assign is unique as it's the only dynamic one within a layout. Velasco encourages readers to examine the `phoenix_live_view` GitHub repo or their own project's `deps` directory to further understand how `:page_title` is set and passed between Elixir and JavaScript. The journey through the codebase reveals that `page_title` is assigned to `@title`, which under the hood is the atom `:t`. On the JavaScript side, in `phoenix_live_view's` assets, `t` is assigned to a constant `TITLE`, and this is utilized to update the `document.title` in the browser. The official Phoenix LiveView documentation asserts that setting the `@page_title` directly updates the `document.title`, which stands confirmed through Velasco's investigation. The author expresses hope that readers find the code spelunking journey enjoyable and informative.

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