Understanding Impacts of Expiring Root Certificates on Elixir and Erlang Projects

Understanding Impacts of Expiring Root Certificates on Elixir and Erlang Projects

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

This episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast features Bram Verburg as he delves into the issue of a critical root certificate expiring at the end of September 2021. The discussion covers how this expiration affects Elixir and Erlang projects and details both where the problem is significant and where it isn't. Bram presents different strategies for updating and securing systems, drawing from his extensive experience in the Elixir and Erlang communities. The episode is a valuable resource for developers looking to understand the certificate expiration issue and seeking guidance on mitigating its impact. The episode also provides updates on various Elixir community projects including the release of Explorer by Elixir-Nx, updates on mix_unused, PromEx, Rebar, and the Ecto Nested Changeset project. Additionally, Bram shares his security tips, referencing various helpful resources and tools to ensure the security of Elixir applications.

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