Understanding the live_session Macro in Phoenix LiveView

Understanding the live_session Macro in Phoenix LiveView
In this article, Herminio Torres introduces the concept of the live_session macro in Phoenix LiveView. This macro provides a way to manage authorization rules for different endpoints. The live_session macro accepts three key options: 'session' for naming the session, 'on_mount' for specifying a callback function, and 'root_layout' for applying a specific layout to a group of LiveViews. Torres emphasizes the importance of understanding security considerations when using live_session, especially in terms of authentication and authorization within LiveView. He also provides a clear example of how to use live_session to set a different root layout for admin users and to restrict access to admin users using a UserHook. The article goes into technical details, showing example code snippets to help readers grasp the concept and apply it to their own Phoenix applications.

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