Updates and Announcements from the Elixir Community

Updates and Announcements from the Elixir Community

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

In this episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast, hosts Mark Ericksen, Cade Ward, and David Bernheisel delve into several recent updates and announcements within the Elixir community. Highlights include the first launch week for Livebook, which brought features like the ability to deploy notebooks as applications and quality-of-life improvements in Livebook v0.9. They also discuss the release of Exonerate, a JSONSchema compiler for Elixir, and the latest version of Ecto (3.10.0), which introduces changeset improvements focused on better integration with LiveView. Other topics include the release of the Image library with new features for skewing images using Nx, and KnockLabs' new library 'One and Done' for idempotent APIs.

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