Updates and enhancements in Explorer 0.8 dataframe library for Elixir

Updates and enhancements in Explorer 0.8 dataframe library for Elixir

Source: cigrainger.com

Type: Post

Christopher Grainger introduces Explorer 0.8 by celebrating previous milestones, including the introduction of `Explorer.Query` macros, database access via `ADBC`, and the ability to work with CSV and Parquet files through `FSS`. A significant feature in this release is the support for different data types (`dtypes`), giving users control over precision without complicating typical data analysis tasks. Moreover, the library now supports the `list` and `struct` dtypes, improving its functionality with recursive data types, and aligning more with common data science workflows. Grainger also talks about series macros, which simplify the use of the API by allowing familiar Elixir operators. Looking forward, continued improvement on `list` and `struct` support, enhancing `lazy` mode for dataframes, and integrating non-Polars backends are on the horizon. The ultimate goal is to enable versatile data science workflows reminiscent of `dbplyr` in the Elixir ecosystem, leveraging Elixir's distribution capabilities. The post concludes by acknowledging contributors to the Explorer project and encouraging community involvement.

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