Using Elixir Only as a Conventional Programming Language

Using Elixir Only as a Conventional Programming Language
The content discusses the author's observations and concerns about working at a company that uses Elixir primarily for its syntax, neglecting the language's robust OTP and distributed Erlang capabilities. Despite the company's backend being written in Elixir, the use of Elixir's distinguishing features like GenServer, Supervisor, Task, and Agent, as well as distributed Erlang, is almost non-existent. The author expresses a sense of underutilization and potential misunderstanding of Elixir's capabilities by new team members who feel quickly accustomed to the language without delving into its advanced features. The author reflects on their experience at ElixirConf US, noting the disparity between their company's use of Elixir and the broader community's embracement of its unique functionalities. There is also an underlying concern about their career development as an Elixir developer, given the limited application of Elixir's features in their current role.

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