Using Mermaid to Illustrate Elixir OTP Supervision Approaches

Using Mermaid to Illustrate Elixir OTP Supervision Approaches


Type: Post

The author shares their experience using Mermaid to create diagrams that showcase various OTP Supervisor strategies within Elixir. The techniques include `:one_for_one`, where only the failed child process restarts, `:one_for_all`, that restarts all children if one fails, and `:rest_for_one`, which restarts the failed process and any subsequent children. Examples of each strategy are given, such as a web server handling multiple client connections for `:one_for_one`, or a system where processes are interconnected making use of `:one_for_all`. Real-life use cases are presented to demonstrate the applicability of each strategy. Additionally, the Mermaid code is shared to encourage readers to adopt the tool for their code documentation and to help maintain the relevance of diagrams as the architecture evolves.

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