The Erlang Open Telecom Platform (OTP) is a comprehensive suite of middleware, libraries, and tools designed to support the development and deployment of robust, scalable, and efficient applications. Encompassing the runtime system and ready-to-use components, it serves as the backbone for the Erlang ecosystem and by extension, Elixir, enabling developers to leverage its proven architecture for building fault-tolerant systems. Mastery of OTP allows Elixir developers to craft advanced applications like LiveView web interfaces, performant networking services, and even complex orchestrators that manage communication between nodes in a distributed system.

From live desktop applications like Livebook Desktop to musical control systems utilizing MIDI devices, OTP's concurrency tools and fault-tolerance patterns are essential. Developers emphasize OTP's importance in various domains, including IoT with AWS Greengrass integration, real-time games with ECSx, and remote firmware updates for secure device management. Its flexibility is also showcased in genetic algorithm implementations, solo SaaS ventures, and full-text search engine development using Phoenix and Elixir.

Maintaining code security, efficient dependency management, and learning advanced debugging and tracing are fundamental for Elixir developers aspiring to reach higher levels of proficiency. While OTP provides a robust set of features for building resilient systems, the 'let it crash' philosophy also extends to error handling, pushing developers to adopt patterns that embrace and recover from failures seamlessly. With a holistic understanding of OTP, Elixir programmers can effectively manage workflows, enhance observability, maintain persistent connections to external services, and even delve into fields like machine learning, all the while enjoying an engaging development experience.

In-depth Look at Full-Text and Name Search in Postgres

In-depth Look at Full-Text and Name Search in Postgres

Peter Ullrich, Senior Elixir Engineer at Remote, joins hosts Allen Wyma and Sascha Wolf on the Elixir Mix podcast to discuss his blog articles on full-text and name search features in Postgres, explaining replacement of Elasticsearch, and the benefits of using these features for Elixir developers.

Discussion on Embedded Software Development Using Elixir

Discussion on Embedded Software Development Using Elixir

Amos King joins hosts Adi Iyengar and Allen Wyma to discuss his work with embedded systems using Elixir and the Nerves project.

Discussing Ash Framework in Elixir Applications

Discussing Ash Framework in Elixir Applications

Zach Daniel talks about Ash Framework on the Elixir Mix Podcast and its use in Elixir applications.

Understanding Deployment Strategies for Phoenix Applications

Understanding Deployment Strategies for Phoenix Applications

Herman Verschooten, an Elixir and Elm enthusiast, discusses his approach for deploying Phoenix apps using systemd and goes in-depth on the benefits and drawbacks of different deployment methodologies.

Building a League of Legends Probuild with Elixir

Building a League of Legends Probuild with Elixir

Baptiste Chaleil discusses his experience creating a Probuild for League of Legends using Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView technologies.

Exploring Remote Development in Elixir and Front-End Inspirations with Ben von Polheim

Exploring Remote Development in Elixir and Front-End Inspirations with Ben von Polheim

In episode 205 of Elixir Mix, Ben von Polheim, a freelance front-end developer, discusses the concept of remote development with Gitpod in the Elixir ecosystem, along with two Elixir libraries he built: live_motion and ex_cva.

Exploring Stenography for Coding in Elixir

Exploring Stenography for Coding in Elixir

In this episode, Paul Fioravanti discusses his experiences using stenography for programming in Elixir.

Discussion on Managing Dependencies in Elixir Web Applications

Discussion on Managing Dependencies in Elixir Web Applications

In this podcast episode, Allen Wyma and Sascha Wolf join as hosts to explore best practices for updating and managing dependencies in web applications. They share their experiences and strategies for ensuring smooth updates without introducing bugs.

Understanding Elixir Design Patterns with Sergey Chechaev

Understanding Elixir Design Patterns with Sergey Chechaev

Sergey Chechaev discusses the application of design patterns in Elixir, sharing his perspectives as a software developer.

Discussion on Genetic Algorithms and Asset Portfolio Optimization with José Diogo Viana

Discussion on Genetic Algorithms and Asset Portfolio Optimization with José Diogo Viana

José Diogo Viana discusses genetic algorithms to optimize an asset portfolio and shares insights into his company 'Finiam'.

Discussing Debugging Techniques in Elixir with Marcos Ramos

Discussing Debugging Techniques in Elixir with Marcos Ramos

Marcos Ramos talks about debugging and tracing in Erlang and Elixir.

Panel Discussion on Utilizing Elixir in Projects

Panel Discussion on Utilizing Elixir in Projects

Hosts Adi Iyengar, Allen Wyma, and Sascha Wolf share insights on their recent Elixir projects, challenges, and discoveries.

Discussion on Haystack Full-Text Search Engine in Elixir

Discussion on Haystack Full-Text Search Engine in Elixir

Philip Brown, an Elixir software engineer, joins the Elixir Mix podcast to discuss Haystack—a full-text search engine created using Elixir.

Deploying Elixir Applications with MRSK

Deploying Elixir Applications with MRSK

Richard Taylor, the CTO at Dizzie, discusses his article on multi-cloud deployment for Elixir and Phoenix applications using MRSK.

Discussion on Scalable Elixir Application Structure

Discussion on Scalable Elixir Application Structure

Adi Iyengar, Allen Wyma, and Sascha Wolf join this week's panelist episode to explore engineering approaches for startups and the ongoing debate of whether software engineering is really 'engineering'. They discuss building a large Elixir application with separate bounded contexts responsible for their supervision trees, highlighting the benefits and challenges of this approach and its balance between practicality and future-proofing. Topics ranged from microservices to new programming languages and patterns, offering insights valuable for developers at any level.

Elixir Developer Experiences and AI in Elixir

Elixir Developer Experiences and AI in Elixir

In this episode of 'Elixir Mix,' the panelists Adi Iyengar, Allen Wyma, and Sascha Wolf discuss their recent experiences and challenges while working on Elixir projects and the value of AI in the Elixir ecosystem.

Beam Radio Podcast: Bruce's Adventures and Elixir Resources

Beam Radio Podcast: Bruce's Adventures and Elixir Resources

This episode features various resources and announcements for Elixir developers, including a mention of the upcoming GigCityElixir conference.

Summarizing ElixirConf 2023 Lightning Talks

Summarizing ElixirConf 2023 Lightning Talks

Various speakers present diverse topics related to Elixir at ElixirConf 2023 Lightning Talks.

Understanding Credo for Elixir Code Analysis

Understanding Credo for Elixir Code Analysis

In this episode, we explore Credo, an Elixir package for static code analysis, to maintain consistency and improve code quality.

Understanding Process Potential for Concurrency and Fault Tolerance in Elixir

Understanding Process Potential for Concurrency and Fault Tolerance in Elixir

Meryl Dakin discusses the power of OTP in Elixir for enabling multitasking and fault tolerance within applications. She presents a practical example of an app that deploys lessons to Github repositories to showcase how OTP's concurrency tools can help developers efficiently manage tasks, maintain global state, and ensure reliability, even for those transitioning from object-oriented programming backgrounds.

Ambivalence Towards Elixir's Distributed System Capabilities

Ambivalence Towards Elixir's Distributed System Capabilities

Software developer Aaron Harpole discusses his experiences with the Elixir programming language, focusing on its capabilities for building distributed systems and areas he believes could benefit from improvement.

Debate on OTP's Role and Evolution in Elixir Software Development

Debate on OTP's Role and Evolution in Elixir Software Development

Dave Thomas, with counterpoints from Brian Mitchell, explores the topic of using OTP (Open Telecom Platform) in modern software development within the Elixir ecosystem.

Enhancing Real-Time Interactivity with LiveView and User Experience Design

Enhancing Real-Time Interactivity with LiveView and User Experience Design

Zack Kayser and Beau Heubach, from Gaslight, discuss the integration of user experience (UX) principles with Phoenix LiveView to deliver seamless real-time features in web applications.

Structured Program Design in Elixir with Bruce Tate

Structured Program Design in Elixir with Bruce Tate

Bruce Tate speaks about layered program design in Elixir, emphasizing the mental model of 'Do Fun Things with Big, Loud Worker Bees', which represents the concepts of Data, Functions, Tests, Boundaries, Lifecycles, and Workers.

Real-Time MIDI Control with Elixir

Real-Time MIDI Control with Elixir

Geoffrey Lessel demonstrates how Elixir combined with OTP can control MIDI devices in real-time, addressing its advantages and potential issues for musical applications, and shows Phoenix and LiveView for visualization.

Introduction to the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation by Peer Stritzinger

Introduction to the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation by Peer Stritzinger

Peer Stritzinger discusses the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation, outlining its mission and key objectives, including coordination of languages on the BEAM, support for open-source initiatives, and collaboration outside of Ericsson.

Exploring the Underlying Network of Phoenix Applications

Exploring the Underlying Network of Phoenix Applications

Mat Trudel presents an in-depth analysis of the network and process management architectures underpinning Phoenix applications, particularly the supervision and process models within the BEAM.

Leveraging Workflow Graphs for Efficient Concurrency in Elixir

Leveraging Workflow Graphs for Efficient Concurrency in Elixir

Zack White discusses a method for managing workflows in Elixir using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to improve concurrency and runtime flexibility.

Elixir's process management and the $callers and $ancestors features

Elixir's process management and the $callers and $ancestors features

Isaac Yonemoto discusses Elixir's secret features $callers and $ancestors and their role in process management.

Exploring Firmware Design in Embedded Systems with Elixir

Exploring Firmware Design in Embedded Systems with Elixir

Jon Carstens delivers a presentation on firmware design, focusing on its relationship with hardware and software and the role it plays in the development for embedded systems. He advocates for the relevance of firmware in a world increasingly dominated by smart devices and embedded technology.

Elixir as the Language of Choice for Large Language Models

Elixir as the Language of Choice for Large Language Models

Sean Moriarty discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by large language models (LLMs) and advocates for Elixir as an ideal language for developing LLM-powered applications.

Insights on Elixir Development and Learning Experience

Insights on Elixir Development and Learning Experience

José Valim presents a keynote speech on updates and the future of Elixir, including development and learning experience enhancements.

Introducing ECSx for Game Development with Elixir

Introducing ECSx for Game Development with Elixir

Andrew Berrien introduces 'ECSx', a new framework for developing real-time games and simulations in Elixir, leveraging OTP's strengths.

Securing Erlang Distribution Protocol in Large-Scale WhatsApp Clusters

Securing Erlang Distribution Protocol in Large-Scale WhatsApp Clusters

In his talk at ElixirConf 2023, Andrew Bennett discusses WhatsApp's experience managing a large Erlang/OTP cluster and the challenges they faced with the Erlang Distribution Protocol. He highlights the development of a Native Implemented Function (NIF) called "erldist_filter_nif" that allows them to control and reduce the potential impact of certain operations on the cluster. This session provides insights into innovations pushing the boundaries of Erlang and Elixir in massive-scale production environments.

Enhancing Junior Elixir Developer Skills

Enhancing Junior Elixir Developer Skills

Savannah Manning explores the power of individualized learning in nurturing high-quality engineers, sharing her firsthand experience as a Junior Elixir developer and her journey of learning the language at a small startup that provided her with the ideal environment to grow and learn.

Setting Up an SFTP Server Using Elixir and Erlang

Setting Up an SFTP Server Using Elixir and Erlang

Max Mulatz and Andreas Knöpfle show how to set up a quick SFTP server in Elixir utilizing the Erlang ecosystem. They explain why an SFTP server is still relevant and explain the process of building one.

Introduction to LiveViewNative for Cross-Platform Development

Introduction to LiveViewNative for Cross-Platform Development

Brooklin Myers delves into the powerful combination of Elixir and LiveView as they explore LiveViewNative application development for Android, iOS, and beyond.

Understanding Exception Handling in Elixir

Understanding Exception Handling in Elixir

Pulkit Goyal gives an introduction to exceptions in Elixir, discussing how to handle and recover from errors using Elixir's API, the 'let it crash' strategy, and various exception handling techniques. He also emphasizes the importance of monitoring exceptions in real-world applications.

Discussion and Insights on Elixir Development

Discussion and Insights on Elixir Development

Adi, Allen, and Sascha dive deep into observability and tracing in the Beam, discussing the advantages of using open telemetry and exploring different levels of observability, from Phoenix Live View to telemetry and tracing operations in large pipelines.

Exploring Flop for Elixir Data Handling

Exploring Flop for Elixir Data Handling

In Episode 166 of the Thinking Elixir podcast, Mathias Polligkeit discusses his creation of the flop library, which provides a convenient and reusable solution for filtering, sorting, and pagination in Elixir projects. He also introduces the flop_phoenix package, which includes heex components for building filter forms and tables. It's an interesting exploration of a useful library for Elixir developers.

Understanding TCP Connections in Elixir Applications

Understanding TCP Connections in Elixir Applications

Andrea Leopardi explains how to handle TCP connections in Elixir. He provides a detailed guide on using the :gen_tcp module to establish connections, send messages, and handle responses. He also discusses implementing a queuing system, handling errors, and using pooling libraries like poolboy.

Managing Persistent Connections Using gen_statem in Elixir

Managing Persistent Connections Using gen_statem in Elixir

Andrea Leopardi explores how to maintain persistent connections to external services using gen_statem, a behavior in Erlang and Elixir for building state machine processes. By leveraging gen_statem, processes can stay connected to the external services and handle events such as connection failures and client requests more efficiently.

Resolving Signature Issues with Map Key Ordering in Elixir

Resolving Signature Issues with Map Key Ordering in Elixir

A writeup of a tricky bug Richard Taylor had to investigate when upgrading to OTP26 due to the change in map key ordering.

Sorting Map Keys in Elixir with IEx Configuration

Sorting Map Keys in Elixir with IEx Configuration

Mark Ericksen explains how recent changes in Elixir 1.14.4 and OTP 26 have caused map keys to be displayed in an unpredictable order. He provides a solution to sort map keys by default in IEx and shares other customizations for an improved IEx shell experience.

Ensuring Security when Handling Zip Files in Phoenix Applications

Ensuring Security when Handling Zip Files in Phoenix Applications

Mark Ericksen explains in his blog post how to safely use the OTP :zip module in Elixir applications. He discusses different types of zip file attacks, such as path traversal attacks and zip bomb attacks, and provides examples and tests to demonstrate the vulnerabilities and mitigations. He emphasizes the importance of not trusting user input, using antivirus software, and taking

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