An Overview of http_cache for BEAM

An Overview of http_cache for BEAM


Type: Post

Tangui has released 'http_cache', an Erlang library designed for HTTP caching, which also works with two Elixir libraries: 'plug_http_cache' for easy Plug integration, and 'tesla_http_cache', a middleware for Tesla HTTP client. The motivation for creating these libraries arises from the recognition that existing HTTP caching solutions are often complex to deploy and maintain, and may require the mastery of domain-specific languages or additional infrastructure. 'http_cache' and its associated libraries aim to comply with relevant HTTP caching standards while leveraging the BEAM platform's capabilities such as managing state and clustering. The libraries prioritize native BEAM code, conformance to RFCs, usage of standard BEAM tools like telemetry, and strive to remain straightforward to use. They include features like gzip compression, range requests, and cache revalidation, and offer mechanisms for scalably storing responses in memory or on disk and for applying backpressure. These tools are promising but have not yet undergone extensive load testing at the time of publication.

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