The underlying technology of Erlang and BEAM is pivotal in various realms of modern software engineering, from networking and web development to machine learning and security. Contributing to the richness of the BEAM ecosystem, Erlang OTP team members discuss the intricacies of the language and libraries that power scalable, fault-tolerant applications. Parallelly, discussions within the Elixir community, particularly through Beam Radio, highlight Elixir's functional programming elegance, its concurrency models, and tools like Phoenix LiveView that are revolutionizing web development.

Elixir's capabilities are empowering developers to build complex, efficient systems with ease. The application of BEAM technologies spans across industries, with particular note in the fields of machine learning, where libraries like Nx and FLAME are posited as formidable alternatives in elastic workloads. In financial services, Erlang and Elixir's real-time processing and fault tolerance are underlined as key enablers.

Contributors enthusiastically share their experiences, ranging from Ash Framework's proponents elucidating its advantages for Elixir development to the exploration of security in Elixir coding practices and the use of tools safeguarding the codebase. Security experts discuss crucial aspects such as code security prioritization and elucidate on practices that strengthen application defenses within the ecosystem. The community also delves into the deployment of Elixir applications on a global scale, where developers leverage platforms like to distribute applications across the world with minimal logistics.

Observability features unique to the BEAM runtime are discussed, paired with insights into networking solutions that benefit from BEAM's robust architecture for handling connections and building resilient systems. The BEAM community celebrates its continuous adaptation and integration of cutting-edge solutions like the Nerves Project for embedded systems and the utilization of pattern-matching for high-performance text and name search features in databases like Postgres, often as replacements for technologies like Elasticsearch.

The Elixir community is vibrant with ongoing discourse about state handling, concurrency, distributed systems, and the BEAM's potential beyond its current applications. Dynamic discussions at conferences, such as ElixirConf, delve into topics like asset portfolio optimization and real-time product development, highlighting the BEAM's versatility. Learning and knowledge sharing are cornerstones of the community, with engagements ranging from hosting informative episodes on dependency management to utilizing frameworks that integrate effortlessly with Elixir, among other best practices.

Deploying Elixir and Erlang/OTP on Custom Hardware with Nerves

Deploying Elixir and Erlang/OTP on Custom Hardware with Nerves

This talk discusses lessons learned and improvements from using Elixir and Erlang/OTP on custom hardware at SmartRent, a company providing smart home features.

Overview of Network Programming in Elixir and Erlang, a PragProg Book

Overview of Network Programming in Elixir and Erlang, a PragProg Book

Andrea Leopardi explains the fundamentals of network programming with Elixir and Erlang in his book published by PragProg.

Improving Software Reliability with Poka Yoke, STAMP, and the BEAM

Improving Software Reliability with Poka Yoke, STAMP, and the BEAM

Bryan Hunter discusses methods to improve software reliability and robustness by employing concepts from Japanese manufacturing (Poka Yoke) and systems safety analysis (STAMP), emphasizing their implementation using the BEAM (Erlang virtual machine).

Understanding Actors in Gleam and their Type System Integration

Understanding Actors in Gleam and their Type System Integration

Raúl Chouza discusses how Gleam implements actors within its type system, exploring type safety and asynchronous/concurrent work on the BEAM in this Code BEAM America 2024 talk.

Exploring Performance Improvements in Elixir and BEAM

Exploring Performance Improvements in Elixir and BEAM

definitive_solutions inquires about potential performance enhancements in the BEAM compiler and runtime that powers Elixir, discussing the challenges and possibilities of making Elixir-based programs faster and more memory-efficient.

Recap and Learnings from Spawnfest 2024: Building Elm Applications with AI

Recap and Learnings from Spawnfest 2024: Building Elm Applications with AI

Chris Miller provides a detailed recap of a Spawnfest 2024 project where a team built an AI-driven Elm application in 48 hours.

Security Improvements for BEAM Using Static Analysis

Security Improvements for BEAM Using Static Analysis

In this talk from Code BEAM Europe 2023, Melinda Tóth and Dániel Horpácsi explore how static analysis can improve security in BEAM applications by identifying vulnerabilities in Erlang and Elixir code bases.

Integrating Gleam for Enhanced Type Safety in Elixir

Integrating Gleam for Enhanced Type Safety in Elixir

Paweł Świątkowski discusses integrating Gleam with Elixir to gain type safety features for Elixir applications.

Transitioning from F# to Elixir: Gotchas and Insights

Transitioning from F# to Elixir: Gotchas and Insights

Proclarian is seeking advice from developers who transitioned from F#/ML to Elixir.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Erlang and Elixir Explored

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Erlang and Elixir Explored

Francesco Cesarini and Andrea Leopardi discuss the interdependence of Erlang and Elixir, detailing how each language has contributed to the success and evolution of the other.

Best Programming Languages to Learn Alongside Elixir

Best Programming Languages to Learn Alongside Elixir

Author jamesjajaja asks for recommendations on which programming languages are worth learning along with Elixir. The community suggests Rust, Typescript, Erlang, Gleam, and Haskell as beneficial complements.

Discussion on DevOps in the BEAM ecosystem and Elixir community news

Discussion on DevOps in the BEAM ecosystem and Elixir community news

Hosts Mark Ericksen, David Bernheisel, and Dave Lucia discuss the release of Elixir 1.17.0-rc.1, interviewing Ellie Fairholm and Josep Giralt D'Lacoste about their book 'Engineering Elixir Applications', and the concept of 'BeamOps'

An Intro to Gleam: A Type-Safe Language for the BEAM Ecosystem

An Intro to Gleam: A Type-Safe Language for the BEAM Ecosystem

Christopher K. explores the Gleam programming language, its features, and benefits for developers, particularly those who favor static typing over dynamic typing.

Scaling Real-Time Applications with BEAM and Elixir

Scaling Real-Time Applications with BEAM and Elixir

Discover the secrets behind handling millions of concurrent users using the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM) and Elixir, with insights into their origins, core features, and real-life case studies from WhatsApp and Discord.

Building Full-Stack Web Applications with Gleam

Building Full-Stack Web Applications with Gleam

Hayleigh Thompson discusses using Gleam, a statically typed language for both the BEAM and browser, to build full-stack web applications, demonstrated through a multi-user Web Audio application. Thompson explores Gleam's simplicity, type system, and compatibility with Elm and Elixir.

Discussion on Gleam Language, Game Development and Type Systems with Quinn Wilton

Discussion on Gleam Language, Game Development and Type Systems with Quinn Wilton

The hosts of Thinking Elixir talk with Quinn Wilton about Gleam, a statically typed language for the BEAM, and its relevance to Elixir developers. Quinn also shares insights on her Chip8 emulator using LiveView, dynamic security analysis, and offers library recommendations.

Discussion on Gleam and Static Typing in BEAM with Louis Pilfold

Discussion on Gleam and Static Typing in BEAM with Louis Pilfold

Louis Pilfold discusses creating Gleam, a statically-typed language for the BEAM, and shares challenges and ideas for static typing on BEAM.

Discussion on Oban with Parker Selbert

Discussion on Oban with Parker Selbert

Mark Ericksen, David Bernheisel, and Cade Ward talk with Parker Selbert, the creator of the job processing library Oban. Parker discusses the benefits of using Postgres over Redis as the data store, the differences between the free and paid versions of Oban, and future plans for the library.

Insightful Discussion on Ecto and jason Libraries with Michał Muskała

Insightful Discussion on Ecto and jason Libraries with Michał Muskała

Michał Muskała joins the podcast to discuss his work on the Ecto and jason libraries, sharing insights into their development and his experiences with open source.

Optimizing Real-Time Web Apps with Phoenix LiveView Streams

Optimizing Real-Time Web Apps with Phoenix LiveView Streams

Sophie DeBenedetto explains how Phoenix LiveView optimizes real-time web applications using streams for efficient client-server communication, focusing on its declarative approach and practical benefits.

Introduction of Elixir at Spotify

Introduction of Elixir at Spotify

Joel Kemp discusses how he introduced Elixir at Spotify, addressing concurrency problems and overcoming internal resistance.

Exploring Production Tracing Techniques with Kai Wern Choong

Exploring Production Tracing Techniques with Kai Wern Choong

In Episode 66, the Thinking Elixir Podcast features Kai Wern Choong, who shares insights about tracing performance problems in live Elixir production systems. The discussion covers the concept of tracing in BEAM systems, tools such as recon, and general troubleshooting approaches.

Exploring Erlang's Origins with Robert Virding

Exploring Erlang's Origins with Robert Virding

Robert Virding discusses the history and development of Erlang, the BEAM virtual machine, and the connection to Elixir in the inaugural episode of a new season of Elixir Wizards.

Discussion on Oban with Parker and Shannon Selbert

Discussion on Oban with Parker and Shannon Selbert

In this episode, Parker and Shannon Selbert discuss their dynamic partnership and delve into the features and intricacies of their tool Oban, a persistent background job processor written in Elixir.

Interview with Erik Person on BEAM and Elixir

Interview with Erik Person on BEAM and Elixir

Erik Person discusses his journey in programming and his experiences with Elixir and BEAM technology on the Elixir Wizards Podcast. The episode includes insights into Erik's career and special challenges faced in Elixir development.

Exploring Elixir Concurrency for Project Needs

Exploring Elixir Concurrency for Project Needs

HarrisInDenver is seeking advice on how Elixir's concurrency model might fit the needs of their project, which currently uses NodeJS and faces scaling and reliability issues.

Introduction to Beam Radio and Lars Wikman

Introduction to Beam Radio and Lars Wikman

In this episode, Lars Wikman discusses how the BEAM can manage entire applications. The hosts of Beam Radio are introduced.

Discussion on Ruby's Actor Model Implementation and the BEAM

Discussion on Ruby's Actor Model Implementation and the BEAM

Steven Nunez discusses Ruby's new actor model implementation, its strengths, and areas where it can learn from the BEAM. The episode features a guest appearance from the show’s youngest listener.

Discussion on Building with Elixir and BEAM by Lars Wikman

Discussion on Building with Elixir and BEAM by Lars Wikman

In this episode, Lars discusses the importance of building things the right way with Elixir and BEAM.

Exploring Elixir and BEAM Magic with Quinn Wilton

Exploring Elixir and BEAM Magic with Quinn Wilton

Quinn Wilton discusses her journey with Elixir, her unique path into programming, and her appreciation for different programming languages.

Interview with the Youngest Contributor to Beam Radio

Interview with the Youngest Contributor to Beam Radio

Beam Radio presents an episode titled 'Our Youngest Contributor', focusing on their youngest participant and their involvement.

Final Episode of BEAM Magic with Amos King

Final Episode of BEAM Magic with Amos King

SmartLogic's podcast season finale features Amos King discussing experiences, challenges as a CEO, and insights into BEAM Magic.

Teaching Elixir and Functional Programming with Chris Miller and Andre Bryan

Teaching Elixir and Functional Programming with Chris Miller and Andre Bryan

Hosts Chris Miller and Andre Bryan discuss their experiences teaching and promoting Elixir and functional programming.

Discussion on the Benefits of Learning Multiple Programming Languages

Discussion on the Benefits of Learning Multiple Programming Languages

Guest: @MarlusSaraiva, Creator of Broadway, ElixirSense, and Surface, discusses the benefits of learning multiple programming languages. Tune in to the full conversation on episode #11.

Discussion with Marlus Saraiva on LiveView

Discussion with Marlus Saraiva on LiveView

Beam Radio team speaks with Marlus Saraiva, discussing his work and contributions such as Broadway, ElixirSense, and Surface.

Interview with Bryan Hunter on BEAM capabilities and learning Elixir

Interview with Bryan Hunter on BEAM capabilities and learning Elixir

The Beam Radio Team chats with Bryan Hunter about the potential of BEAM and addresses a question about learning Elixir.

Convincing Your Organization to Adopt Elixir

Convincing Your Organization to Adopt Elixir

Nikos Maroulis and Joel Kemp discuss strategies on how to pitch the BEAM to your organization and create grassroots support for Elixir.

Beam Radio's Discussion with Quinn Wilton on Elixir and Erlang

Beam Radio's Discussion with Quinn Wilton on Elixir and Erlang

The Beam Radio team talks Elixir and Erlang with Quinn Wilton. Follow her on Twitter at @wilton_quinn.

Interview with Jerod Santo on Living with Elixir

Interview with Jerod Santo on Living with Elixir

This episode features an interview with Jerod Santo from, discussing his experiences with Elixir, hosted by Lars.

Exploring Elixir, LiveView, Nerves, and Machine Learning

Exploring Elixir, LiveView, Nerves, and Machine Learning

Hosts discuss LiveView, Nerves, and Machine Learning within the BEAM ecosystem.

Round Robin AMA Session with Beam Radio Hosts

Round Robin AMA Session with Beam Radio Hosts

Beam Radio hosts conduct a round robin 'Ask Me Anything' session where they discuss various topics including The Great Loop, LiveBook, live streaming, and more.

Exploring Curiosity in the Elixir Community

Exploring Curiosity in the Elixir Community

Brooklin Myers discusses the importance of curiosity in the field of Elixir programming in this podcast episode.

Discussion on MJML EEX, Rust, Surface, and LiveView

Discussion on MJML EEX, Rust, Surface, and LiveView

The Beam Radio team discusses a range of topics including MJML EEX, Rust, Surface, and Phoenix LiveView.

Discussion on eqWAlizer with Ilya Klyuchnikov

Discussion on eqWAlizer with Ilya Klyuchnikov

BeamRadio talks with Ilya Klyuchnikov about eqWAlizer, a tool related to the BEAM ecosystem.

Discussion on Elixir with Bowery Farms on Beam Radio

Discussion on Elixir with Bowery Farms on Beam Radio

In this episode of Beam Radio, the hosts discuss the Elixir programming language with representatives from Bowery Farms.

Elixir's Machine Learning Capabilities for Production Environments

Elixir's Machine Learning Capabilities for Production Environments

Christopher Grainger provides insights into the production-readiness of machine learning in the Elixir ecosystem, emphasizing deep integration with BEAM and OTP.

Exploring the Benefits of Elixir for Everyday Web Development

Exploring the Benefits of Elixir for Everyday Web Development

Dave Mays is curious about the Elixir language for web development and is weighing the advantages of its concurrency for everyday web applications against other languages such as Clojure.

The Evolution of the BEAM Virtual Machine and Mastering Concurrency

The Evolution of the BEAM Virtual Machine and Mastering Concurrency

Erik Stenman provides an overview of the BEAM virtual machine's 30-year evolution, highlighting its reliable concurrency model and how it shaped robust, fault-tolerant systems. He shares experiences from Klarna, showcasing BEAM's ability to support concurrent programming efficiently.

Utilizing Remote GPUs for AI with Elixir

Utilizing Remote GPUs for AI with Elixir

This video tutorial explains why Elixir and the BEAM are well-suited for AI projects, particularly when scaling work across multiple machines. It demonstrates how to use Elixir's Livebook to connect to remote GPUs to optimize local AI tasks.

Insight into Erlang's Scheduler Functionality

Insight into Erlang's Scheduler Functionality

Erlang is known for its fault tolerance and ability to handle high concurrency through an efficient scheduler. This article explores the details of the Erlang scheduler, which is instrumental in process management for the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM).

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