Analyzing Spawn and FLAME in Serverless Computing on the BEAM VM

Analyzing Spawn and FLAME in Serverless Computing on the BEAM VM
Adriano Santos from the core team shares insights on the recent developments in the Serverless Erlang/BEAM space with the introduction of FLAME and its relationship with the eigr community's Spawn. FLAME, linked to the Phoenix framework, is seen not as a competitor to Spawn but rather as a complementary innovation. Both Spawn and FLAME arise from the Serverless model with distinctive approaches; FLAME uses a Function as a Service (FaaS) strategy and is stateless, while Spawn combines Serverless with a layer based on actors and a polyglot programming model, allowing for state management. The article expresses enthusiasm for the growing attention to concepts previously championed by the eigr community and emphasizes collaboration rather than competition, envisioning a serverless future where FLAME and Spawn coexist and contribute to a diverse range of approaches in software development.

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