Asynchronous Task Management in Phoenix LiveView

Asynchronous Task Management in Phoenix LiveView
Mark Ericksen's article discusses the architectural approach to implement asynchronous tasks within a Phoenix LiveView application. He shows how to use the concurrency primitives in Elixir, such as processes, tasks, linking, and trapping exits, to create an efficiently working asynchronous solution. He illustrates the idea with an example akin to a ChatGPT interface that streams responses asynchronously. The article gives a detailed exposition of creating an async Task, starting it, managing it, and allowing for its termination – all within the context of a LiveView without blocking the UI or crashing it when the Task fails. Such an approach ensures the LiveView process remains responsive and interactive, with the ability to promptly stop any running async process linked to it when the user navigates away or when the task completes or errors out. Implementations include the use of `Task.start_link/1`, handling exit messages, and using a `:running_task` to provide UI feedback and control over the task.

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