Building a Simple Todo-List API in Elixir

Building a Simple Todo-List API in Elixir
This article provides a comprehensive walkthrough of creating a simple todo-list API using Elixir's Phoenix framework. The author shares their approach to learning new technologies by constructing a basic CRUD API from scratch, highlighting the benefits of understanding how different components of the application interact. Instead of relying on automatically generated code, the author opts to manually write the API, allowing for a deeper comprehension of concepts like database integration, routing, and HTTP request handling. The guide covers the initial project setup, database migration, and schema creation using Ecto, and details the processes for defining the context and Ecto schema. The author goes through the steps of creating, reading, updating, and deleting records in the API, ensuring to validate inputs and return appropriate JSON responses. Additionally, the article discusses error handling and the importance of writing tests for the API functionalities. By breaking down each stage of development, this guide serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to get hands-on experience with Elixir and Phoenix while building a fully functional API.

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