Building a Video Object Detection Prototype with Elixir

Building a Video Object Detection Prototype with Elixir
Philip Brown details the development of an Elixir-based video object detection system, starting from client requirements appreciating Elixir's data management and processing capabilities. The prototype was crafted using Bumblebee, Elixir’s machine learning tool built on the Nx library, offering ready-to-use pre-trained models. The approach bypasses the complexity of video streams and neural network training, using a static .mp4 file and an existing model from Hugging Face's repository. The prototype's functionality includes generating a tensor from video frames and predicting objects using Phoenix LiveView for real-time browser display. Brown's blog post includes the setup for a new Phoenix project, incorporating the necessary Elixir dependencies, managing file paths, and outlining the machine learning model loading processes. The tutorial advises on resolving Elixir's struct references and utilizing Nx backends and serving modules. The LiveView module features a dynamic interface, asynchronously processing video frames, displaying predictions, and automatically updating rendered content. Brown concludes by celebrating the reduced complexities and costs of building advanced real-time applications with Elixir.

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