Compilation of BEAM Devroom Talks from FOSDEM 2024

Compilation of BEAM Devroom Talks from FOSDEM 2024


Type: Discussion

The forum post by Riccardo Binetti provides a comprehensive collection of talks from the BEAM Devroom at FOSDEM 2024. This includes a variety of topics relevant to the Elixir and Erlang community, such as state machines, GraphQL, property-based testing, and live updates of web applications. Each talk title in the post is a link to the FOSDEM website, offering additional details like author bios, descriptions of the talk, and any associated slides. The success of the event is highlighted through the full attendance of the Devroom. It's clear from the diverse subjects and interest that the BEAM community is active and continually evolving. Videos of each presentation are also linked, allowing individuals who couldn't attend or wish to revisit the content to watch the talks.

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