Deep Dive into LiveView Processes in Elixir

Deep Dive into LiveView Processes in Elixir
In Elixir, each LiveView is an independent process. Jason Stiebs explores the intricacies of these processes, providing an understanding that goes beyond mere usage. He elaborates on how a LiveView is fundamentally a gen server, equipped with its mailbox for message passing confined to the Erlang VM's scheduling system to execute tasks serially within each process. Stiebs emphasizes the importance of non-blocking concurrent processes for optimal performance and introduces the new async assignment feature in Phoenix, which assists in preventing 'jank' or sluggishness caused by long-running tasks. He further explains how LiveView handles messages and state, and how it interacts with the browser, likening the latter to another process in this context. Additionally, Stiebs covers debugging techniques using Erlang's dbg module, demonstrating their use in tracing message flows within a LiveView process.

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