Exploring SvelteKit and Phoenix Integration for Enhanced UI

Exploring SvelteKit and Phoenix Integration for Enhanced UI
The author, TheKaiserMax, is evaluating different programming tools for a potential commercial project. After selecting Elixir and Phoenix as the backend framework, they express dissatisfaction with the UI options available in Phoenix, specifically with LiveView's limitations in terms of creating excellent UI. They propose using Svelte and SvelteKit to build a separate UI, excited about the new Runes feature in the upcoming Svelte 5. Runes are designed to maintain variables or application-wide state. TheKaiserMax envisions a setup where Phoenix with Ash backend connects to a SvelteKit frontend, with the Phoenix socket updating the state held within Runes through websockets. This idea is discussed in the context of whether it's feasible, and others in comments share insights and resources, including a mention of the live_svelte project as an example of integrating LiveView with SvelteKit.

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