Implementing Dynamic Forms using Phoenix LiveView Streams

Implementing Dynamic Forms using Phoenix LiveView Streams
Berenice Medel delves into the development of a dynamic list component harnessing the capabilities of LiveView Streams and enhanced form features from LiveView 0.18/0.19. The article demonstrates how to construct a responsive list that allows users to add, edit, and delete items without requiring a complete page reload or modal pop-ups. By employing individual forms for each list item and utilizing the Phoenix.LiveView `stream` feature, performance is optimized as not all list items need to be held in memory. Additionally, form handling is refined with `to_form/2` to provide better interactivity and reduce the necessity of full form re-rendering. The component showcased represents an upgrade to traditional `has_many` forms and demonstrates an application in a shopping list, where items can be interactively managed within the list itself.

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