Implementing Elixir Node Clustering Through PostgreSQL

Implementing Elixir Node Clustering Through PostgreSQL


Type: Post

Filipe Cabaço from the Supabase Realtime team shares insights on how Elixir's clustering feature facilitates communication between different nodes without extra services, thus streamlining system complexity. However, despite its power, node discovery for cluster connection poses challenges. To tackle this, the team at Supabase has released an open-source solution, the libcluster Postgres Strategy, which uses PostgreSQL's NOTIFY and LISTEN commands to propagate events within instances. The article explains how they leveraged libcluster - a package for connecting BEAM instances, and the PostgreSQL event system to seamlessly connect nodes across different cloud environments without additional services. It details the process of implementing the strategy, ensuring scalability and cloud-provider agnosticism for clustered Elixir applications. The solution is now available on GitHub, helping others to apply this clustering method in their own Elixir projects.

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