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Implementing Twitter-style Relationships in Elixir/Phoenix with Ecto

Source: itnext.io
The article explores self-referential association in Elixir using Phoenix and Ecto, specifically for building Twitter-like follower-following relationships, which is an asymmetric association model, unlike the symmetric model used by Facebook for friendships. The process involves creating a User model and a Relationship model, where the user table contains user information and the relationships table captures the follower and followed IDs to establish connections between users.
Initially, the article references the Ruby on Rails Tutorial to explain the process starting with the creation of database tables and proceeding with migrations and schema definitions. The Relationship schema utilizes `belongs_to` associations, and foreign key constraints are added for maintaining data integrity. The User schema then includes `has_many :through` associations for forming the `followers` and `followings` associations.
The implementation section covers creating Ecto Schemas for users and relationships, setting up migrations, and adding Elixer functions to dynamically manage the follow-unfollow relationships. The context module functions support operations like following or unfollowing users, retrieving a list of followers or followings, and checking if one user is following another.
Furthermore, sample data is generated, and examples are provided for testing these relationships within IEx, Elixir's interactive shell. Lastly, integration with Faker helps generate fake data for testing purposes, and a link to the complete source code of the example is provided.
Understanding and implementing these associations are crucial for developers looking to build social features within their Elixir/Phoenix applications.
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