Integrating Apache ECharts animations with Phoenix LiveView

Integrating Apache ECharts animations with Phoenix LiveView
Richard Taylor's article explores how to enhance Phoenix LiveView applications with animated charts using Apache ECharts. Starting with an example of a Vue.js component for Apache ECharts, Taylor shows the potential for rich charting in LiveView. The article discusses the initialization of charts using a LiveView Hook's mounted lifecycle callback and how to set chart options by parsing JSON data. A basic example is provided using a Pie chart, with code that shows how easy it is to create appealing visualizations. The article then explains how to enable live updates to the charts by updating the LiveView Hook to handle the 'updated' lifecycle callback. An example of real-time updates is demonstrated with a Gauge chart, which upon a button click, triggers an 'update-chart' event to refresh the chart data randomly. The final demo showcases several charts that auto-update every couple of seconds, showcasing the dynamic interactivity possible with LiveView and ECharts. The author invites readers to provide feedback and suggestions via Twitter.

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