Interactive Secure Coding Education with Elixir

Interactive Secure Coding Education with Elixir


Type: Video

Holden Oullette discusses the importance of secure applications and how there's no such thing as a completely secure system. He emphasizes the need to shift security measures left in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to empower developers with security education. Traditionally, security training has been limited and dry, lacking proper support for the Elixir ecosystem. Oullette introduces a secure coding course using Elixir Livebooks, providing an interactive and educational experience with immediate feedback. This course is tailored to enterprise-wide training and is open-sourced for further development by the community. It includes a variety of modules covering the OWASP Top 10, Secure SDLC concepts, GraphQL, and Elixir-specific security concerns, among others. The objective is to deploy this interactive curriculum easily within organizations and to maintain its relevance by employing community-driven updates and contributions.

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