Optimizing Database Queries Using Elixir's Ecto and Telemetry

Optimizing Database Queries Using Elixir's Ecto and Telemetry
The article outlines the process of detecting slow database queries in an Elixir application through Ecto's Telemetry events. John Curran explains that Telemetry can provide detailed information about query performance and can be used in conjunction with tools like LiveDashboard to visualize this data. He covers what Telemetry is and its role in the BEAM ecosystem, detailing how it can emit events with both measurements and metadata during process execution. Specifically, Curran teaches how to log slow Ecto queries by attaching event handlers to `:query` events, providing guidance on writing an event handler that logs queries taking longer than 500ms. He also explains metadata contents provided by the event, which includes the query string, making it easier to identify problematic spots. Additionally, Curran illustrates how to set up performance graphs on LiveDashboard to monitor Ecto performance visually. Finally, the utility of Telemetry as a diagnostic and monitoring tool within the Elixir/Phoenix framework is emphasized, showcasing the ability to log slow queries and visualize database query performance through LiveDashboard.

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