Understanding Web Application Security in Elixir with Sobelow

Understanding Web Application Security in Elixir with Sobelow

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

The podcast episode delves into cybersecurity, particularly focusing on the data breach that occurred with the company 23andMe and drawing parallels to security concerns in Elixir applications. They discuss the guide titled 'Web Application Security Best Practices for BEAM languages,' produced by the EEF Security Working Group, which provides insights on how to better secure Elixir applications. Sobelow, a static code analysis tool for Elixir, is highlighted as an invaluable asset for identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities in Elixir-based web applications. Also mentioned is a practical exercise using Paraxial.io's 'Potion Shop' app as a case study to demonstrate how to use Sobelow and address security issues in a real-world scenario.

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