The underlying technology of Erlang and BEAM is pivotal in various realms of modern software engineering, from networking and web development to machine learning and security. Contributing to the richness of the BEAM ecosystem, Erlang OTP team members discuss the intricacies of the language and libraries that power scalable, fault-tolerant applications. Parallelly, discussions within the Elixir community, particularly through Beam Radio, highlight Elixir's functional programming elegance, its concurrency models, and tools like Phoenix LiveView that are revolutionizing web development.

Elixir's capabilities are empowering developers to build complex, efficient systems with ease. The application of BEAM technologies spans across industries, with particular note in the fields of machine learning, where libraries like Nx and FLAME are posited as formidable alternatives in elastic workloads. In financial services, Erlang and Elixir's real-time processing and fault tolerance are underlined as key enablers.

Contributors enthusiastically share their experiences, ranging from Ash Framework's proponents elucidating its advantages for Elixir development to the exploration of security in Elixir coding practices and the use of tools safeguarding the codebase. Security experts discuss crucial aspects such as code security prioritization and elucidate on practices that strengthen application defenses within the ecosystem. The community also delves into the deployment of Elixir applications on a global scale, where developers leverage platforms like to distribute applications across the world with minimal logistics.

Observability features unique to the BEAM runtime are discussed, paired with insights into networking solutions that benefit from BEAM's robust architecture for handling connections and building resilient systems. The BEAM community celebrates its continuous adaptation and integration of cutting-edge solutions like the Nerves Project for embedded systems and the utilization of pattern-matching for high-performance text and name search features in databases like Postgres, often as replacements for technologies like Elasticsearch.

The Elixir community is vibrant with ongoing discourse about state handling, concurrency, distributed systems, and the BEAM's potential beyond its current applications. Dynamic discussions at conferences, such as ElixirConf, delve into topics like asset portfolio optimization and real-time product development, highlighting the BEAM's versatility. Learning and knowledge sharing are cornerstones of the community, with engagements ranging from hosting informative episodes on dependency management to utilizing frameworks that integrate effortlessly with Elixir, among other best practices.

BEAM Languages in European University Academia

BEAM Languages in European University Academia

skwyckl is inquiring about universities in Europe that are involved in teaching and research involving BEAM languages, such as Erlang. They mention ELTE university in Budapest doing significant work with Erlang.

Growing BEAM Ecosystem Through Phoenix LiveView

Growing BEAM Ecosystem Through Phoenix LiveView

Sophie DeBenedetto discusses the impact of Phoenix LiveView on broader adoption of the BEAM ecosystem.

Beam Radio Panel Discussion with Benjamin Milde

Beam Radio Panel Discussion with Benjamin Milde

Beam Radio hosts a conversation with Benjamin Milde, also known as @lostkobrakai, to discuss various topics related to Elixir and functional programming.

Assessing Elixir and Cloudflare Workers for Managing Websockets at Scale

Assessing Elixir and Cloudflare Workers for Managing Websockets at Scale

NotASithLord7 discusses choosing between Elixir and Cloudflare Workers for an application designed to maintain numerous parallel websocket connections with scalability in mind.

Discussion with Gleam Language Core Team

Discussion with Gleam Language Core Team

The BeamRadio episode features a discussion with Gleam's core team members Louis Pilford and Hayleigh Thompson.

Introduction of Labeling BEAM Processes for Improved Observability

Introduction of Labeling BEAM Processes for Improved Observability

Nathan Long discusses the introduction of a new feature in Erlang/OTP 27.0, which allows BEAM processes to be labeled for enhanced observability in Elixir applications.

Elixir and Erlang Community Contributions and Diversity

Elixir and Erlang Community Contributions and Diversity

Adolfo Neto hosts a podcast with Laura Castro, where she discusses her role at Universidade da Coruña, contributions to the BEAM community and the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation, her journey with Erlang and Elixir, and thoughts on gender diversity in computing and knowledge sharing.

The Suitability of LiveView for Responsive Web Applications

The Suitability of LiveView for Responsive Web Applications

Author skwyckl is exploring if Phoenix LiveView is suitable for building a responsive web application for managing personal movable assets, especially for mobile browser compatibility.

Seeking Project Ideas for OTP Practice

Seeking Project Ideas for OTP Practice

lukivan8 is looking for project suggestions to practice the basics of OTP (Open Telecom Platform), with a focus on understanding concepts such as supervision trees and GenServers.

Invalidate Cache in Erlang Clusters Using Postgres WAL

Invalidate Cache in Erlang Clusters Using Postgres WAL

Chase Granberry discusses how to effectively utilize the Postgres Write-Ahead Log (WAL) to invalidate cache within an Erlang cluster using Elixir and the BEAM virtual machine.

Exploring Erlang Tracing and an Elixir Library for Easier Usage

Exploring Erlang Tracing and an Elixir Library for Easier Usage

Lars Wikman presents on the capabilities of Erlang's tracing mechanisms and his own experimental Elixir library aimed at simplifying its use for Elixir developers.

Leveraging Technology for Fintech Success

Leveraging Technology for Fintech Success

This article discusses the crucial role that the underlying technology plays in enabling financial services success, highlighting how Erlang and Elixir are well-suited for the fintech industry.

Exploring Advanced Machine Learning with Elixir’s FLAME and Nx Libraries

Exploring Advanced Machine Learning with Elixir’s FLAME and Nx Libraries

Sean Moriarity discusses how the FLAME library and Nx are shaping the future of elastic workloads in machine learning, positioning themselves as an alternative to traditional serverless solutions.

Expert Discussion Unpacking Elixir's Potential

Expert Discussion Unpacking Elixir's Potential

Sophie DeBenedetto and Andrea Leopardi discuss the capabilities of Elixir, including web development with Phoenix LiveView and networking solutions on the BEAM platform.

Troubleshooting Elixir Performance on Multi-Core Systems

Troubleshooting Elixir Performance on Multi-Core Systems

FundamentallyBouyant inquires about performance problems encountered on an Elixir cluster consisting of around 10 EC2 machines, each running numerous long-running GenServers and other processes, leading to high run queue lengths and spiking latencies despite low CPU usage.

Deep Dive into Erlang OTP with Ericsson Developers

Deep Dive into Erlang OTP with Ericsson Developers

In this episode of Beam Radio, the hosts engage with Ingela Anderton Andin and Kiko Fernandez-Reyes from the Erlang OTP team at Ericsson. They discuss the inner workings of the runtime, language, and standard libraries central to the Erlang ecosystem.

Implementing Asynchronous Telemetry in Elixir

Implementing Asynchronous Telemetry in Elixir

Christian Alexander discusses how to implement asynchronous analytics tracking in Elixir applications using the Telemetry library and GenServer to improve performance and app responsiveness.

Compilation of BEAM Devroom Talks from FOSDEM 2024

Compilation of BEAM Devroom Talks from FOSDEM 2024

Riccardo Binetti announced that all the talks from the BEAM Devroom at FOSDEM 2024 are now available, expressing gratitude to all the participants and presenters, and hopes to continue the event next year.

Tigris: A Global Key Value Database with S3-like Capabilities

Tigris: A Global Key Value Database with S3-like Capabilities

Jason Stiebs discusses Tigris, a globally synced, S3-like key-value database built on, and its potential applications.

Understanding the High-Level Overview of OTP in Erlang

Understanding the High-Level Overview of OTP in Erlang

This article offers a comprehensive overview of the high-level aspects of the Erlang/OTP architecture and how it enables the development of stable and scalable systems.

Discussion on Real-Time Product Development Using Elixir and Phoenix

Discussion on Real-Time Product Development Using Elixir and Phoenix

Filipe Cabaco, along with hosts Allen Wyma and Adi Iyengar, delve into the real-time product development at Supabase using Elixir and Phoenix channels, covering topics such as load testing, scalability, and Postgres optimizations.

Using Livebook for Remote Debugging Elixir Applications

Using Livebook for Remote Debugging Elixir Applications

Luca Dei Zotti discusses using Livebook for remote debugging in Elixir applications, specifically how to debug a remote Elixir instance using Livebook and the BEAM’s features.

Discussion with Brian Cardarella on LiveView Native

Discussion with Brian Cardarella on LiveView Native

The Beam Radio panel engages in a conversation with Brian Cardarella, sharing insights about LiveView Native.

Leveraging BEAM for a Resilient, Load-Balanced Elixir App

Leveraging BEAM for a Resilient, Load-Balanced Elixir App

definitive_solutions is exploring the process of building a distributed Elixir application to leverage the BEAM VM's capabilities for resilience and load-balancing. The author is considering the []( hobby plan along with utilizing a personal server for more compute-intensive tasks.

Advantages of Using Elixir for Solo SaaS Development in 2024

Advantages of Using Elixir for Solo SaaS Development in 2024

Tyler Young discusses the benefits of using Elixir for building a solo SaaS venture.

Exploring the Full Potential of the BEAM Runtime

Exploring the Full Potential of the BEAM Runtime

In a discussion at Code BEAM Europe 2023, Lars Wikman interviews both Saša Jurić, author and advocate for the Elixir programming language, and José Valim, the creator of Elixir, to discuss the untapped potential of the BEAM virtual machine. They explore what the community could be doing beyond the current applications and utilize the BEAM more fully.

Examining the Synergy Between Transactional Systems and Erlang/Elixir Technologies

Examining the Synergy Between Transactional Systems and Erlang/Elixir Technologies

Lee Sigauke discusses the natural fit of Erlang and Elixir for transactional systems and their inherent advantages such as fault tolerance and real-time processing capabilities.

Development of the ElixirConf Chat Application using LiveView Native

Development of the ElixirConf Chat Application using LiveView Native

Cynthia Gandarilla outlines the journey of creating a chat application for ElixirConf 2023 using LiveView Native, showcasing the technology's ability to save time and money in mobile app development.

Good or Bad: Writing Tail Recursion in Elixir

Good or Bad: Writing Tail Recursion in Elixir

skwyckl is questioning whether it's a bad practice to write tail-recursive functions in Elixir as opposed to using built-in constructs like `Enum.reduce`, which is essentially tail recursion in disguise. They find writing their own tail-recursive functions leads to better modularization and documentation.

Successful Postgres Upgrade in Elixir Environment

Successful Postgres Upgrade in Elixir Environment

In this episode, Brent Anderson talks about his experience with Elixir, particularly detailing a major migration project at NOC. The team was able to upgrade their Postgres database from version 11.9 to 15.3 with no downtime, showcasing the power of Elixir for managing such tasks.

Transition from .NET Core/C# to Elixir with NIFs

Transition from .NET Core/C# to Elixir with NIFs

mrmarbury discusses the possibility of migrating a .NET Core/C# application to Elixir by initially using Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) to call existing C# code while incrementally re-implementing features natively in Elixir.

Using LiveView for Real-Time User Interaction and Product Analytics

Using LiveView for Real-Time User Interaction and Product Analytics

This talk by Basile Nouvellet provides an insight into the innovative use of Elixir's LiveView for real-time product analytics and direct user interaction. It demonstrates how developers can leverage BEAM's observability tools to not only debug but also to build better products by enabling real-time analytics and feedback.

Discussing the Use of In-Memory vs External Caching in Elixir Applications

Discussing the Use of In-Memory vs External Caching in Elixir Applications

Kev-wqa discusses the potential of using in-memory caching mechanisms in Elixir applications as opposed to external tools like Redis, raising questions about data persistence and the adoption of such approaches in production environments.

In-Depth Examination of the Phoenix Framework in Elixir

In-Depth Examination of the Phoenix Framework in Elixir

Lars Wikman delves into the intricacies of Phoenix, the de facto web framework for the Elixir programming language.

Overview of the Elixir Programming Language's Popularity and Features

Overview of the Elixir Programming Language's Popularity and Features

Szymon Soppa offers a comprehensive guide on the Elixir programming language, explaining its creation, features, and benefits in the context of modern programming needs.

Understanding Phoenix LiveView for Real-Time Web Applications

Understanding Phoenix LiveView for Real-Time Web Applications

Michał Buszkiewicz provides an in-depth introduction to Phoenix LiveView, its capabilities, and its role within the Phoenix ecosystem for building interactive web applications.

Discussion on Apprenticeships with Katelynn Burns

Discussion on Apprenticeships with Katelynn Burns

In this episode of Beam Radio, the panel engages in a discussion with Katelynn Burns on the topics of apprenticeship, diverse curiosities, and problem-solving. The conversation also touches upon ElixirConf 2023 where Katelynn presented a keynote on 'Motion Commotion: Motion Tracking with Bumblebee and LiveView'.

Improving Elixir Development with the Ash Framework

Improving Elixir Development with the Ash Framework

Zach Daniel, along with hosts Adi Iyengar and Allen Wyma, discuss the capabilities and advantages of using the Ash Framework for Elixir programming.

Implementing Elixir Node Clustering Through PostgreSQL

Implementing Elixir Node Clustering Through PostgreSQL

Filipe Cabaço discusses the challenges of Elixir clustering and introduces the libcluster Postgres strategy for connecting Elixir nodes using PostgreSQL.

Performance Comparison of Tail-Recursive and Body-Recursive Functions in Different Elixir Versions

Performance Comparison of Tail-Recursive and Body-Recursive Functions in Different Elixir Versions

PragTob explored the performance differences between tail-recursive and body-recursive functions across various versions of Elixir and BEAM, particularly noting the impact of the JIT (just-in-time) compiler.

Discussion on Elixir in Sailboat Racing with Brian Cardarella

Discussion on Elixir in Sailboat Racing with Brian Cardarella

Brian Cardarella talks about combining Elixir with the domain of racing sailboats and the technical challenges involved.

Analyzing Spawn and FLAME in Serverless Computing on the BEAM VM

Analyzing Spawn and FLAME in Serverless Computing on the BEAM VM

Adriano Santos discusses the introduction of FLAME, its association with the Phoenix framework, and its synergy with Spawn in the Serverless space for Erlang/BEAM.

Looking for Advanced Elixir Learning Resources

Looking for Advanced Elixir Learning Resources

thebrilliot is in search of educational resources to gain a deeper understanding of Elixir's VM, standard tools like Registry, and the BEAM environment.

Integrating LLama.cpp with Elixir using Rustler

Integrating LLama.cpp with Elixir using Rustler

Jason Stiebs explores the integration of LLama.CPP with Elixir via Rustler, providing a guide on creating a NIF (Native Implemented Function) in Elixir and the necessary steps to use it with the Rust library ruth-llama-cpp.

LiveView and Flame Discussion with Chris McCord

LiveView and Flame Discussion with Chris McCord

In episode 66 of Beam Radio, Lars, Sophie, Steven, and special guest Chris McCord delve into the intricacies of LiveView and Flame, and how these technologies address issues related to serverless architectures.

The Impact of Data Transfer on Performance in Elixir's Task.async

The Impact of Data Transfer on Performance in Elixir's Task.async

Tobias Pfeiffer discusses the performance implications when using Elixir's Task.async with large data transfers between processes.

Podcast Episode 65 - Live Discussion at CodeBEAM Berlin

Podcast Episode 65 - Live Discussion at CodeBEAM Berlin

Lars, along with guests Saša Jurić and José Valim, hosts a live episode of BEAM Radio from CodeBEAM in Berlin and engages in discussion about Elixir.

Erlang's Role in Learning and Using Elixir for Programming

Erlang's Role in Learning and Using Elixir for Programming

Author hezwat inquires about the necessity of learning Erlang for Elixir programmers and seeks guidance on the learning path to use Elixir professionally.

Discussion on 'Machine Learning in Elixir' Book

Discussion on 'Machine Learning in Elixir' Book

Sean Moriarity announces the release of a new book, 'Machine Learning in Elixir,' which aims to educate readers on leveraging Elixir and the Nx library for practical machine learning tasks, including computer vision and natural language processing.

Case Study on - A Web App Domain Automation Tool Built with Elixir

Case Study on - A Web App Domain Automation Tool Built with Elixir

Carter shares the experience of building and running with Elixir, managing over 200k custom domains and its performance in production.

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