Phoenix Framework

Phoenix Framework

The Phoenix framework stands out in the Elixir ecosystem for its robust capabilities in web development, supported by comprehensive documentation and a supportive community. Developers have shared experiences working on commercial projects with Phoenix and LiveView, emphasizing the ease of integrating complex UI elements and ensuring real-time updates. Recent advancements include using Rust for performance improvements and introducing LiveView hooks for external libraries like SortableJS, enhancing UI customization. Furthermore, Phoenix's efficient handling of associations in Ecto simplifies relational management in applications. Concurrently, developers have noted the benefits of maintaining modular codebases and optimizing live updates, contributing to a streamlined development process.

A diverse set of tools such as Hex, Sobelow, and async workflows in LiveView attribute to Phoenix's extensive ecosystem. The introduction of libraries like Absinthe for GraphQL and components for handling upgrades and modifications highlights Phoenix's adaptability. Additionally, Phoenix's integration with tools like leverages global distribution, facilitating scalable deployments. Real-time functionalities like LiveView Uploads further augment its dynamic capabilities, making Phoenix a versatile framework for modern web application development.

Elixir Developer Experiences and AI in Elixir

Elixir Developer Experiences and AI in Elixir

In this episode of 'Elixir Mix,' the panelists Adi Iyengar, Allen Wyma, and Sascha Wolf discuss their recent experiences and challenges while working on Elixir projects and the value of AI in the Elixir ecosystem.

Insights on Observability in Elixir

Insights on Observability in Elixir

The BeamRadio Panel delves into observability within the Elixir ecosystem in their 50th episode. Attend GigCityElixir and Empex NYC conferences to connect with the Elixir community.

Reflecting on Chris McCord's LiveView Keynote with the BeamRadio Team

Reflecting on Chris McCord's LiveView Keynote with the BeamRadio Team

The BeamRadio team discusses Chris McCord's keynote on LiveView from ElixirConf 2022 and offers a discount code for CodeBeam tickets.

Transitioning from Ruby to Elixir Discussion with Steve Bussey

Transitioning from Ruby to Elixir Discussion with Steve Bussey

Steve Bussey discusses language adoption and the transition from Ruby to Elixir on BeamRadio.

How to Tailor Phoenix Generators for Specific Project Needs

How to Tailor Phoenix Generators for Specific Project Needs

Mark Ericksen discusses the lesser-known feature of customizing Phoenix generators to suit specific project patterns and styles, making the process of adding new components to an application smoother and less error-prone.

Improving Phoenix Email Templates with Components

Improving Phoenix Email Templates with Components

Andrew discusses how to upgrade email templates in Phoenix projects by utilizing components and heex templates to create more maintainable and attractive emails.

Switching from React to LiveView for Performance Gains

Switching from React to LiveView for Performance Gains

Tim Gremore discusses the transition from a React Single Page Application (SPA) to Phoenix LiveView when developing Birdseye, a personal task management tool. Faced with performance issues that hindered scalability, the team embarked on a two-day exploration of LiveView. Convinced of its potential, they successfully adopted LiveView, which resolved the performance problems associated with handling a large number of tasks in React.

Understanding unique_index Use in Elixir for Business Logic

Understanding unique_index Use in Elixir for Business Logic

Herminio Torres explains how to efficiently use unique_index in Ecto schemas to enforce business logic constraints for ticket purchases in Elixir applications.

Simplifying BEAM Clustering for Global Distribution

Simplifying BEAM Clustering for Global Distribution

Jason Stiebs explores the advantages of running Elixir and Phoenix applications globally with minimal setup using's integrated WireGuard networking for Erlang distribution and clustering.

Performance Benchmarking of Distributed Elixir Nodes

Performance Benchmarking of Distributed Elixir Nodes

Razvan Draghici discusses performance benchmarking in a distributed Erlang and Elixir environment, specifically targeting scenarios with over 200 nodes.

Creating a Multi-tenant Application with Phoenix and Elixir

Creating a Multi-tenant Application with Phoenix and Elixir

Aestimo Kirina on Nov 21, 2023, discusses the steps to create a multi-tenant Elixir/Phoenix application with user authentication and link shortening functionality.

Enhancing User Experience with LiveView Forms

Enhancing User Experience with LiveView Forms

Andrew Ek discusses how Elixir and Phoenix LiveView can be used to improve the experience of working with forms, emphasizing the importance of user experience and providing practical tips for form design and validation.

Innovative Software Development with Managed Risk

Innovative Software Development with Managed Risk

Stephen Bussey presents on taking calculated risks in software development with a focus on Elixir. He discusses the importance of innovation, risk management, and provides insights into software architecture.

Ambivalence Towards Elixir's Distributed System Capabilities

Ambivalence Towards Elixir's Distributed System Capabilities

Software developer Aaron Harpole discusses his experiences with the Elixir programming language, focusing on its capabilities for building distributed systems and areas he believes could benefit from improvement.

Integrating Elixir with Datadog for Monitoring and Tracing

Integrating Elixir with Datadog for Monitoring and Tracing

Ludwik Bukowski explains how to monitor and instrument an Elixir application using Datadog, detailing its integration and showcasing a sample Elixir Phoenix application with telemetry.

Real-Time MIDI Control with Elixir

Real-Time MIDI Control with Elixir

Geoffrey Lessel demonstrates how Elixir combined with OTP can control MIDI devices in real-time, addressing its advantages and potential issues for musical applications, and shows Phoenix and LiveView for visualization.

Introduction to LiveView in Phoenix for Rich User Interactions

Introduction to LiveView in Phoenix for Rich User Interactions

Andrew Forward gives an engaging talk on utilizing LiveView within the Phoenix Elixir framework to create rich client-side experiences directly from the server, thus minimizing the need for JavaScript.

Enhancing Real-Time Interactivity with LiveView and User Experience Design

Enhancing Real-Time Interactivity with LiveView and User Experience Design

Zack Kayser and Beau Heubach, from Gaslight, discuss the integration of user experience (UX) principles with Phoenix LiveView to deliver seamless real-time features in web applications.

Understanding Observability with Elixir Telemetry

Understanding Observability with Elixir Telemetry

Ethan Gunderson presents an overview of using telemetry for observability in Elixir applications, particularly on how it can be employed to better understand and manage production systems.

Exploring the Underlying Network of Phoenix Applications

Exploring the Underlying Network of Phoenix Applications

Mat Trudel presents an in-depth analysis of the network and process management architectures underpinning Phoenix applications, particularly the supervision and process models within the BEAM.

Understanding Networking on the BEAM with Elixir

Understanding Networking on the BEAM with Elixir

Andrea Leopardi presents insights into how the BEAM's architecture is particularly suited for network applications. He discusses the handling of TCP connections and the design patterns for building scalable and fault-tolerant systems.

Exploring Machine Learning in Elixir with a Recommendation Engine

Exploring Machine Learning in Elixir with a Recommendation Engine

Andrew Forward discusses the potential for using Elixir to build a recommendation engine for a gifting platform. He explores traditional machine learning algorithms such as KNearestNeighbour, (Naive) Bayes, and KMeans, and introduces the Elixir library 'scholar' for implementing these algorithms.

Exploring Web Development with Elixir: A Javascripter's Journey

Exploring Web Development with Elixir: A Javascripter's Journey

Roger Roelofs discusses his evolution as a web developer and his experience moving from JavaScript to Elixir's Phoenix and LiveView.

Automatic API Documentation Using Connect the Docs in Elixir

Automatic API Documentation Using Connect the Docs in Elixir

Natalie Perpepaj & Geoff Smith introduced Connect the Docs, a tool to automatically generate web API documentation from unit tests.

Implementation Challenges of an Interview Scheduler Using Phoenix LiveView

Implementation Challenges of an Interview Scheduler Using Phoenix LiveView

Karoline Lende shares her experiences as a new Elixir developer in creating an interview availability scheduler with Phoenix LiveView. She discusses the initial roadblocks, the iterative problem-solving process with her team, and the successful deployment of the feature.

Fedecks: A New Tool for Nerves-Phoenix Communication

Fedecks: A New Tool for Nerves-Phoenix Communication

Paul Wilson introduces 'Fedecks', a new tool designed to facilitate communication between Nerves devices and a Phoenix server using WebSockets.

Adoption and Impact of Elixir at Helvetia Insurance

Adoption and Impact of Elixir at Helvetia Insurance

André Graf discusses the adoption of Elixir at Helvetia Insurance to replace complex Jenkins pipelines, leading to the implementation of self-services for their streaming and API platforms.

Interfacing with Industrial Devices using Elixir

Interfacing with Industrial Devices using Elixir

Aldebaran Alonso discusses the challenge startups face when developing products for the industrial environment, particularly in terms of communicating with industrial devices. He introduces industrial communication protocols and shares experiences and workflow in adopting these protocols within the Elixir ecosystem, with a focus on Modbus TCP and OPC UA, including a demonstration.

Leveraging Elixir & Phoenix for Building Software in Auroville

Leveraging Elixir & Phoenix for Building Software in Auroville

Shankar Dhanasekaran speaks about using Elixir and Phoenix to create software for Auroville, a city of 50,000 people. He emphasizes the benefits of Elixir and Phoenix in managing complex, multi-service domains, and shares their journey of moving away from Drupal to Elixir, the adoption challenges faced, and the productivity gains. The talk also highlights the future potential of Elixir in the context of Auroville's development, such as the potential for cloud farming and machine learning.

Advancements and Capabilities of LiveView 1.0

Advancements and Capabilities of LiveView 1.0

Chris McCord discusses the evolution of LiveView into a full-fledged application development tool capable of complex operations like building Spotify-like apps.

Optimizing Phoenix Channels Performance with Erlang Garbage Collection

Optimizing Phoenix Channels Performance with Erlang Garbage Collection

Erik Guzman discusses memory consumption issues with long-lived Phoenix Channels and how to mitigate them using the ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER setting.

Introducing ECSx for Game Development with Elixir

Introducing ECSx for Game Development with Elixir

Andrew Berrien introduces 'ECSx', a new framework for developing real-time games and simulations in Elixir, leveraging OTP's strengths.

Exploring Concurrency in Elixir with The Actor Model

Exploring Concurrency in Elixir with The Actor Model

Lars Wikman provides an in-depth look at The Actor Model as it pertains to Elixir and the underlying BEAM VM, debunking the terminology's use in Elixir while covering processes, message passing, GenServers, and architectural patterns.

Understanding How Phoenix Updates `:page_title`

Understanding How Phoenix Updates `:page_title`

German Velasco explores how the `:page_title` assign works in Phoenix, describing it as the only dynamic assign in a layout and demonstrating code spelunking to understand its implementation.

Securing Software with Elixir: Business and Technical Insights

Securing Software with Elixir: Business and Technical Insights

Michael Lubas discusses the importance of security in Elixir software development, including how the language's design promotes safe concurrency and prevents common vulnerabilities like data races.

Implementing Twitter-style Relationships in Elixir/Phoenix with Ecto

Implementing Twitter-style Relationships in Elixir/Phoenix with Ecto

Meraj Molla examines the process of creating self-referential associations in Elixir, focusing on follower-following relationships similar to those on Twitter.

Testing Read-Only External Database Connections in Phoenix

Testing Read-Only External Database Connections in Phoenix

Peter Ullrich provides a detailed guide on how to test an external, read-only database connection in Phoenix. He suggests creating a new Ecto.Repo for the external database connection and configuring it to be read-only. He also provides steps for creating migrations and using a Factory Delegator to populate the test database.

Elixir Performance Optimization Techniques

Elixir Performance Optimization Techniques

In this presentation, Tyler Young discusses various performance enhancement techniques within the Elixir programming language. He provided insights into optimizing Elixir applications, with a focus on CPU performance improvement tactics.

Exploring Phoenix LiveView's Async Operations

Exploring Phoenix LiveView's Async Operations

Mark Ericksen explores how to use Phoenix LiveView's new async operations feature in his article "Abusing LiveView's new Async Assigns Feature." He discusses starting and stopping async tasks, handling success and failure states, and canceling running tasks. The article showcases the versatility and power of async operations in Phoenix LiveView.

Ensuring Unique Data Entries in Phoenix Applications

Ensuring Unique Data Entries in Phoenix Applications

George Arrowsmith explains in his article "Foolproof uniqueness validations in Phoenix with Ecto" how to validate the uniqueness of data in a Phoenix app using the Ecto.Changeset module. He discusses the limitations of the validates_uniqueness_of validator in Rails and introduces the use of unsafe_validate_unique and unique_constraint functions in Ecto for a more secure and user-friendly validation process.

Release of Bandit and Thousand Island 1.0.0

Release of Bandit and Thousand Island 1.0.0

Mat Trudel announces that Bandit and Thousand Island are both reaching version 1.0.0 today, after almost four years of development. Mat reflects on the progress made and highlights exciting future plans, thanking the community for their contributions and support.

Continuation of LiveView Native's Journey Toward Version 0.2

Continuation of LiveView Native's Journey Toward Version 0.2

Brian Cardarella discusses the challenges faced in representing SwiftUI's modifier system in LiveView Native and the solutions they have come up with. They have advocated for changes in both Phoenix and Elixir to improve the integration and are working towards better dev ergonomics and format implicit layout rendering in LiveView.

Discovering the Hidden Value of Elixir Beyond Functional Programming

Discovering the Hidden Value of Elixir Beyond Functional Programming

Owen Bickford discusses why Elixir is his preferred programming language, highlighting its functional paradigm, concurrency, and fault tolerance. He also delves into a lesser talked about feature of Elixir that allows it to solve problems previously considered unfit for the language and the BEAM.

Elixir's Flexibility in the Monolith vs. Microservices Debate

Elixir's Flexibility in the Monolith vs. Microservices Debate

Elixir offers a simple way to avoid the monolith vs. microservices debate by providing clear modular boundaries in code and easy extraction of modules to separate services if needed. The author explains why microservices are often overused and emphasizes the importance of building modular software and investing in DevOps.

The Comprehensive Capabilities of Elixir and Phoenix

The Comprehensive Capabilities of Elixir and Phoenix

Jason Stiebs explains why Elixir and Phoenix are an excellent choice for developers, highlighting the various features and advantages of the language and framework. Learn about the built-in support for concurrency, distribution, RPC, low resource usage, and more!

Enhancing LiveView with JavaScript for Dynamic User Experiences

Enhancing LiveView with JavaScript for Dynamic User Experiences

In this video, Chris Nelson discusses the benefits of using LiveView in Elixir development, along with complex Javascript integration methods. It addresses scenarios for integrating Javascript, maintaining LiveView productivity, and fostering a better developer experience. It discusses using Custom HTML Elements and two libraries, `LiveElements` and `LiveState`.

Organizing Phoenix Application Code through Context Structuring

Organizing Phoenix Application Code through Context Structuring

Ahmed Mansour discusses the technique of structuring Phoenix contexts by splitting them into layers, allowing for better organization and reduced complexity. This approach helps create consistent and predictable code, making the context a calmer place to work with.

Implementing an Elixir-Based Distributed Router for GDPR Compliance

Implementing an Elixir-Based Distributed Router for GDPR Compliance

De Wet Blomerus shares the story of building a globally distributed router using Elixir to enhance latency, hold on to connections, and route traffic to the correct region for GDPR compliance.

Building an AI Fitness Trainer with Elixir

Building an AI Fitness Trainer with Elixir

Mark Ericksen created an AI Personal Fitness Trainer named “Max” in just 2 days. It quickly became his new workout buddy and reignited his fitness excitement!

Building a Database Interface and PostgreSQL Proxy Using Elixir

Building a Database Interface and PostgreSQL Proxy Using Elixir

Michael St Clair recently showcased how he utilized Elixir, Ecto, and LiveView to build a database GUI and discussed the usage of gen_tcp to create a Postgres proxy, along with the role of binaries in the Postgres message protocol context.

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