Building a Product MVP with Elixir LiveView: Challenges and Strategies

Building a Product MVP with Elixir LiveView: Challenges and Strategies
Miki Rezentes shared her experience using LiveView, a component of the Phoenix framework, to build an MVP for a cybersecurity product. The talk focused on the reasons LiveView was chosen, including prioritizing speed and agility and reducing design burden. Despite high expectations for user interface responsiveness, LiveView performed well. The deployment environment significantly influenced the design decisions, especially since the product was aimed at clients with stringent data isolation requirements. Miki stressed the importance of clearly defining state ownership and efficient communication between state managers. She showcased the use of functional components for improved performance and ease of state management, even when faced with network latency or disconnects. Miki also highlighted the difference between using LiveView and LiveComponent, advocating for LiveView when more communication was needed. Additionally, she delved into the use of forms as a means of maintaining state, emphasizing their contracts and how they helped handle asynchronous operations in the browser.

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