How to Transition to Verified Routes in Phoenix 1.7

How to Transition to Verified Routes in Phoenix 1.7
The article by Mark Ericksen describes the process of migrating legacy routing in a Phoenix application to the new Verified Routes feature introduced in Phoenix 1.7. Verified Routes offer readability, elegant syntax without a route helper with many arguments, and compile-time checks. The author suggests upgrading to Phoenix 1.7 before starting with the migration and stresses the necessity of handling static routes before using the automated mix task designed by Andreas Eriksson. This task simplifies the process by identifying and suggesting changes for most routes, but it does not handle multiline routes, certain query parameters, routes in comments, or invalid routes. The author shares personal experiences with the tool and provides tips on handling remaining issues after the initial pass. They also note adjustments necessary for Phoenix components using routes and eventually the successful completion of the migration, with no 'Routes.' calls remaining in the project, confirming the benefits of Verified Routes. Appreciation is shown for the community tool created by Andreas Eriksson.

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