Phoenix Framework

Phoenix Framework

The Phoenix framework stands out in the Elixir ecosystem for its robust capabilities in web development, supported by comprehensive documentation and a supportive community. Developers have shared experiences working on commercial projects with Phoenix and LiveView, emphasizing the ease of integrating complex UI elements and ensuring real-time updates. Recent advancements include using Rust for performance improvements and introducing LiveView hooks for external libraries like SortableJS, enhancing UI customization. Furthermore, Phoenix's efficient handling of associations in Ecto simplifies relational management in applications. Concurrently, developers have noted the benefits of maintaining modular codebases and optimizing live updates, contributing to a streamlined development process.

A diverse set of tools such as Hex, Sobelow, and async workflows in LiveView attribute to Phoenix's extensive ecosystem. The introduction of libraries like Absinthe for GraphQL and components for handling upgrades and modifications highlights Phoenix's adaptability. Additionally, Phoenix's integration with tools like leverages global distribution, facilitating scalable deployments. Real-time functionalities like LiveView Uploads further augment its dynamic capabilities, making Phoenix a versatile framework for modern web application development.

Advice on Phoenix Project Architecture for Divided Applications

Advice on Phoenix Project Architecture for Divided Applications

debarchito seeks guidance on the architectural approach for a Phoenix project divided into API server, Vendor Dashboards, and Customer Ordering App.

Resources for Learning Elixir and Phoenix Framework

Resources for Learning Elixir and Phoenix Framework

Shahidcub is a frontend developer seeking guidance on learning Elixir and the Phoenix framework for full stack development.

Introduction to Using Petal Components with Phoenix 1.7

Introduction to Using Petal Components with Phoenix 1.7

In this episode, the author demonstrates how to integrate Petal Components into a Phoenix 1.7 application, enhancing the app with pre-built, styled components.

Serving Multiple Domains with Phoenix Framework

Serving Multiple Domains with Phoenix Framework

Alexandre Moreira Xavier provides a guide on configuring a single Phoenix application to handle multiple domains and subdomains. He uses examples from YouTube's structure and detailed code snippets.

Setting up Development Environment for Elixir

Setting up Development Environment for Elixir

gnur: I'm starting with Elixir due to its high developer happiness and plan to use the Phoenix framework. I've managed to get MQTT working but need advice on improving my development setup and implementing features like hot reloading or restart on file save.

Elixir Community Updates and News

Elixir Community Updates and News

This episode covers ElixirLS 0.21.0 release, Elixir's upcoming type system, a new Phoenix extension 'Bloom,' hot code deploys on, FTC ruling on non-competes, and AWS billing adjustments.

Integrating Google Sign-In with Phoenix LiveView

Integrating Google Sign-In with Phoenix LiveView

Chris Gregori explains the process of adding Google authentication to a Phoenix LiveView application by leveraging Phoenix's authentication generator and the ueberauth/ueberauth library.

Preserving Socket State with Phoenix LiveView Hot Reload

Preserving Socket State with Phoenix LiveView Hot Reload

Jakub Skałecki shares a valuable tip for preserving socket state during hot reloads in Phoenix LiveView development.

Release of Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc and Its Impact

Release of Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc and Its Impact

Chris McCord announces the release of Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc.0, marking a significant milestone nearly six years after the initial LiveView commit. This release emphasizes improvements in the programming model and solidifies LiveView as a mature solution for dynamic, server-rendered applications without the reliance on JavaScript.

Understanding Bare Websocket Connections in Phoenix 1.7

Understanding Bare Websocket Connections in Phoenix 1.7

Benjamin Milde explains the new abstractions and the way to handle bare websocket connections in Phoenix framework version 1.7.

Flash Messages Failing to Close in New Phoenix Project

Flash Messages Failing to Close in New Phoenix Project

cakekid9 is experiencing an issue where flash messages won't close in a new Phoenix project.

Implementing CI/CD for Phoenix Apps Using Docker

Implementing CI/CD for Phoenix Apps Using Docker

Aziz Abdullaev provides a tutorial on setting up a simple, cost-effective CI/CD pipeline for Elixir Phoenix applications using Docker and DigitalOcean.

Troubleshooting esbuild Issues with Node.js Package in Phoenix Framework

Troubleshooting esbuild Issues with Node.js Package in Phoenix Framework

WoT_Abridged shares an experience of encountering esbuild build errors after adding the TipTap node.js package to a Phoenix project. The author seeks assistance in resolving path issues that arose during deployment.

Launch of Bloom - A Component Library for Phoenix

Launch of Bloom - A Component Library for Phoenix

Author bustyLaserCannon introduces Bloom, an open-source Phoenix component library that allows for the easy installation of UI components.

Automating Elixir Release Tests in Continuous Integration

Automating Elixir Release Tests in Continuous Integration

Almir Sarajčić discusses the importance of testing Elixir releases in Continuous Integration (CI) environments to ensure that all aspects of an application work correctly in production, including dependencies and third-party applications.

Integrating Mermaid JS with Phoenix LiveView

Integrating Mermaid JS with Phoenix LiveView

Author skwyckl discusses challenges in rendering Mermaid JS graphs within a Phoenix LiveView web app and seeks post-processing solutions.

Learning Elixir as a C# Developer

Learning Elixir as a C# Developer

7turtlereddit is seeking advice on how to effectively learn Elixir, specifically when transitioning from C-style OOP languages like C#.

Problem Deploying Phoenix App on with Custom Domain

Problem Deploying Phoenix App on with Custom Domain

WoT_Abridged encountered a deployment issue with their Phoenix project on using a custom domain, ''. Despite setting up DNS and certificates, their custom domain displays a 'Something went wrong' error, while the URL works fine.

Lexical Language Server Protocol 0.6 Update

Lexical Language Server Protocol 0.6 Update

The release of Lexical LSP 0.6 introduces document and workspace symbols supported by a robust indexing infrastructure, performance improvements including a 3600x speed-up on large codebases, better Phoenix controller completion support, and an improved sorting scheme for completions.

Reflections on a Failed Student Housing App Project

Reflections on a Failed Student Housing App Project

Steve Frank shares his experiences with a Proof of Concept (PoC) Elixir application for student housing that will no longer be used, including an exploration of the Elixir stack and tools he found useful during development.

Understanding Elixir's Beautiful Abstractions and Frameworks

Understanding Elixir's Beautiful Abstractions and Frameworks

Bruce Tate delivers a keynote discussing how Elixir's frameworks and tools like Nerves, LiveView, NX, and LiveBook provide a natural and coherent development experience. He explores OTP behaviors, the use of macros in Phoenix and LiveView, and the overall elegance of Elixir's tooling in managing complexity and concurrency.

Improving Confirmation Modals in Phoenix LiveView

Improving Confirmation Modals in Phoenix LiveView

The article discusses the typical user experience of confirmation modals in Phoenix LiveView, which uses window.confirm, and suggests it is not suitable for production due to suboptimal user experience.

Developing Offline-Capable Applications Using Phoenix LiveView with Svelte

Developing Offline-Capable Applications Using Phoenix LiveView with Svelte

Tony Dang discusses his journey of learning Elixir by building an offline-capable todo app using Phoenix LiveView and the LiveSvelte package.

In-depth Discussion on Reporting with Elixir: Challenges and Strategies

In-depth Discussion on Reporting with Elixir: Challenges and Strategies

In the podcast episode 'Saga of a Gnarly Report,' Elixir Wizards Owen and Dan discuss the intricacies of creating advanced reporting features using Elixir/Phoenix and Ruby on Rails. The conversation covers topics such as data modeling, architectural decisions, and optimizing data handling for reports.

Generating PDFs for Authenticated Pages in Elixir

Generating PDFs for Authenticated Pages in Elixir

John Curran discusses a method for generating downloadable PDF versions of web pages that require user authentication within Elixir applications.

Building Multitenant Applications with Phoenix and Ecto

Building Multitenant Applications with Phoenix and Ecto

Eli Kroumova's talk at ElixirConf EU 2023 focused on creating multitenant web applications using Phoenix and Ecto, where a single application instance serves multiple clients with isolated data in a shared database architecture.

Integrating File Uploads with Trix Editor in Phoenix

Integrating File Uploads with Trix Editor in Phoenix

In this article, Jason Kaniekete shares his discoveries on how to integrate file uploads using the Trix editor within a Phoenix framework application. He discusses setting up the Trix editor, handling local and external file uploads, and managing file deletion.

Graceful Exception Handling in Phoenix Applications

Graceful Exception Handling in Phoenix Applications

Peter Ullrich discusses strategies for handling and mitigating the noise from exceptions in Elixir's Phoenix framework.

Using Phoenix Framework without Components or LiveView

Using Phoenix Framework without Components or LiveView

the_pavonz is inquiring about maintaining a traditional templating approach within Phoenix, similar to Rails, without adopting the newer Components or LiveView features.

Discussion on Elixir's Role in Software Development with Eduardo Borsa

Discussion on Elixir's Role in Software Development with Eduardo Borsa

Eduardo Borsa, a Senior Software Engineer, shares his experiences in the podcast, covering his journey in software engineering, his discovery of Elixir, and the projects and technologies he finds compelling. Borsa details his current role at Loomis, Sayles & Company, which, while not currently Elixir-focused, still incorporates lessons from his past Elixir work.

Evaluation of Phoenix Admin Frameworks for Elixir

Evaluation of Phoenix Admin Frameworks for Elixir

Erik Näslund provides a subjective evaluation of various admin frameworks available for the Phoenix framework in Elixir, specifically for his needs in an application.

Setting Up Development-Only Logic in Elixir Projects

Setting Up Development-Only Logic in Elixir Projects

Dan Schultzer discusses a method for setting up development-only logic in Elixir, using a separate _dev directory and adjusting configurations to ensure a clear distinction from production code.

Custom HTTP Error Handling in Elixir Phoenix REST APIs

Custom HTTP Error Handling in Elixir Phoenix REST APIs

Nicholas Moen provides a guide on how to raise custom HTTP error responses in a REST API built with Elixir and Phoenix.

Debunking NoSQL Misconceptions and Its Synergy with Elixir

Debunking NoSQL Misconceptions and Its Synergy with Elixir

Author gimmemypoolback discusses the misplaced skepticism around NoSQL databases, particularly in modern development practices, and its potential for seamless integration with Elixir.

Exploring SvelteKit and Phoenix Integration for Enhanced UI

Exploring SvelteKit and Phoenix Integration for Enhanced UI

TheKaiserMax is working on a project, exploring the integration of Elixir and Phoenix with Svelte and SvelteKit for UI development. They are considering using the new Runes feature in Svelte 5, to manage state across the application and connect to Phoenix sockets.

Customizing Credo for Enhanced Code Analysis in Elixir

Customizing Credo for Enhanced Code Analysis in Elixir

The article outlines how to customize the Credo static analysis tool for Elixir projects, providing tips on enabling strict mode, disabling certain checks, and including others deemed essential by the author.

Ecto Migrations and Associations in Elixir Projects

Ecto Migrations and Associations in Elixir Projects

This piece covers the essentials of working with Ecto migrations and handling data associations in Elixir, guiding through creating migrations, adding indexes, dealing with associations, and generating schemas for an Elixir project.

Choosing an HTTP Client Library in Elixir

Choosing an HTTP Client Library in Elixir

ringbuffer__ seeks recommendations on which HTTP client library to use in Elixir.

Creating a Visitor Counting Website Using Elixir and Phoenix

Creating a Visitor Counting Website Using Elixir and Phoenix

Author Temal shares his experience creating a globally distributed visitor counter web application using Elixir, Phoenix Framework, and various technologies.

Enhancing Developer Experience with Server Logs in the Browser Console

Enhancing Developer Experience with Server Logs in the Browser Console

Chris McCord discusses the integration of server logs directly into the browser console for an improved development experience in Phoenix applications.

Transition to Elixir and Phoenix from JavaScript Ecosystem

Transition to Elixir and Phoenix from JavaScript Ecosystem

Ben Reinhart discusses his transition from Next.js to Phoenix, detailing how Elixir has enhanced the operations and efficiency at Axflow.

Discussing Elixir's Role in Developing the Erlang Ecosystem

Discussing Elixir's Role in Developing the Erlang Ecosystem

The discussion features insights from Francesco Cesarini, founder of Erlang Solutions, and Andrea Leopardi, a member of the Elixir Core Team. They delve into the evolution of Erlang from a singular language to a diverse ecosystem, detailing the emergence of various languages on the BEAM and the influence of Elixir on Erlang's ongoing development.

Developer's journey from Rails to Phoenix

Developer's journey from Rails to Phoenix

Meatyroach discusses their experience moving from a decade of JavaScript fatigue to learning Rails and then considering a switch to Phoenix.

Assessing Elixir and Cloudflare Workers for Managing Websockets at Scale

Assessing Elixir and Cloudflare Workers for Managing Websockets at Scale

NotASithLord7 discusses choosing between Elixir and Cloudflare Workers for an application designed to maintain numerous parallel websocket connections with scalability in mind.

Implementing Content Security Policy in Phoenix LiveView

Implementing Content Security Policy in Phoenix LiveView

Dan Schultzer discusses how to set up a Content Security Policy header in a Phoenix LiveView application to improve security.

Inquiry about Phoenix Video Course Resources

Inquiry about Phoenix Video Course Resources

TwoWrongsAreSoRight is seeking recommendations for good Phoenix video tutorials to supplement their learning from the Pragmatic Studio Elixir course.

Discussion on Elixir Patterns, PromX Libraries, and JS Integration

Discussion on Elixir Patterns, PromX Libraries, and JS Integration

Alex Koutmos joins the EMx podcast to explore his upcoming book on Elixir design patterns, frustrations with college textbooks, Rust and Zig integration in Elixir, development of PromX library, and secure JS execution within Elixir apps.

Architectural Distinctions between Phoenix and Rails

Architectural Distinctions between Phoenix and Rails

George Arrowsmith discusses the concept that 'Rails is not your application' and contrasts it with Phoenix's approach to application structure.

Implementing OpenTelemetry in Elixir Applications

Implementing OpenTelemetry in Elixir Applications

The author discusses their experience incorporating OpenTelemetry into a LiveView Elixir application designed to parse FIT files for personal analytics relating to file processing times and failure rates.

Understanding and Utilizing Mix Releases in Elixir/Phoenix Projects

Understanding and Utilizing Mix Releases in Elixir/Phoenix Projects

Andrew Stewart offers insights into utilizing Mix Releases for Elixir/Phoenix projects, covering documentation, practical aspects, and Docker compatibility.

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