Phoenix Framework

Phoenix Framework

The Phoenix framework stands out in the Elixir ecosystem for its robust capabilities in web development, supported by comprehensive documentation and a supportive community. Developers have shared experiences working on commercial projects with Phoenix and LiveView, emphasizing the ease of integrating complex UI elements and ensuring real-time updates. Recent advancements include using Rust for performance improvements and introducing LiveView hooks for external libraries like SortableJS, enhancing UI customization. Furthermore, Phoenix's efficient handling of associations in Ecto simplifies relational management in applications. Concurrently, developers have noted the benefits of maintaining modular codebases and optimizing live updates, contributing to a streamlined development process.

A diverse set of tools such as Hex, Sobelow, and async workflows in LiveView attribute to Phoenix's extensive ecosystem. The introduction of libraries like Absinthe for GraphQL and components for handling upgrades and modifications highlights Phoenix's adaptability. Additionally, Phoenix's integration with tools like leverages global distribution, facilitating scalable deployments. Real-time functionalities like LiveView Uploads further augment its dynamic capabilities, making Phoenix a versatile framework for modern web application development.

Enhancing UX for Collaborative Tools with Phoenix and React

Enhancing UX for Collaborative Tools with Phoenix and React

Tyler Young shares insights from Felt's development of a collaborative, 'multiplayer' editing tool using Phoenix and React. The talk explores solutions to challenges in delivering a great user experience for real-time collaboration.

Creating Idempotent Database Seeding in Elixir

Creating Idempotent Database Seeding in Elixir

Agathe Lenclen discusses strategies to create idempotent seeds in Elixir applications, ensuring a clean and predictable development database.

Using Cond Calculations in Ash Framework

Using Cond Calculations in Ash Framework

Mykolas Mankevicius shares insights on implementing conditional logic in Ash calculations for Elixir resources.

Integrating Svelte with Phoenix LiveView for Enhanced Reactivity

Integrating Svelte with Phoenix LiveView for Enhanced Reactivity

Wout De Puysseleir introduces LiveSvelte, a project that integrates Svelte into Phoenix LiveView applications to provide end-to-end reactivity.

Inquiry About Using JSX in Phoenix

Inquiry About Using JSX in Phoenix

BebeKelly asks if anyone has experience using JSX in Phoenix and whether it was worthwhile.

Workshop on Building Native Applications with Phoenix LiveView and LiveView Native

Workshop on Building Native Applications with Phoenix LiveView and LiveView Native

Instructor Brooklin Myers, associated with DockYard, leads a workshop on creating LiveView Native applications. Participants learn to combine Livebook interactive notebooks with LiveView Native to extend Phoenix LiveView applications for native functionality, focusing on iOS development.

Optimizing Elixir Project Structure for Scalability

Optimizing Elixir Project Structure for Scalability

Goulven CLEC'H discusses strategies to organize and scale an Elixir/Phoenix project based on their experience at a real estate startup.

Transitioning from Serverless to Phoenix with Elixir

Transitioning from Serverless to Phoenix with Elixir

Erik Guzman discusses the process of transitioning a serverless application to a Phoenix one using Elixir. He shares his experience of overcoming the challenges presented by serverless architectures and NoSQL databases, such as vendor lock-in and unpredictable costs, and demonstrates how Elixir and Phoenix can offer a more reliable and efficient solution.

Rethinking LiveView's Potential

Rethinking LiveView's Potential

Jason Stiebs, a core team member of LiveView, shares his initial skepticism about LiveView and how his perspective has changed. He acknowledges his initial resistance due to negative experiences with previous technologies and being jaded by the JavaScript ecosystem. However, after using LiveView in various production projects, from replacing old SPAs to adding interactivity to static sites, he realized its potential.

Building Embedded Web Apps with LiveState in Elixir

Building Embedded Web Apps with LiveState in Elixir

In a talk by Chris Nelson, a new approach for building embedded web applications with Elixir using LiveState is introduced. Instead of relying on APIs, LiveState offers a LiveView-like experience in environments where the front end is not served by Phoenix.

Launching Elixir and LiveView on a Large Scale with Lessons from

Launching Elixir and LiveView on a Large Scale with Lessons from

Zack Kayser shares the experience of re-platforming with Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.

Improving App Performance with LiveView Flame Graph Profiling

Improving App Performance with LiveView Flame Graph Profiling

DockYard Staff Software Engineer Mike Binns explains the advantages of using Flame On, a LiveView component, for profiling and identifying performance issues in Elixir/Phoenix applications. He details how inefficiencies can affect application performance and how Flame Graphs can be utilized effectively.

A Journey from JavaScript Frustration to Elixir Embrace

A Journey from JavaScript Frustration to Elixir Embrace

Roberto Pando shares his journey from JavaScript to the joy of programming with Elixir and Phoenix.

Improving Modal Accessibility with Phoenix LiveView Helpers

Improving Modal Accessibility with Phoenix LiveView Helpers

This article discusses two Phoenix LiveView helpers that improve the accessibility and user experience of modal dialogs: the .focus_wrap component and the JS.focus_first/2 function.

Guide to Starting with GraphQL in Phoenix Framework using Elixir

Guide to Starting with GraphQL in Phoenix Framework using Elixir

Jakub Melkowski provides a comprehensive guide on setting up a GraphQL server in an Elixir project using Phoenix Framework with Absinthe.

Exploring Advanced Machine Learning with Elixir’s FLAME and Nx Libraries

Exploring Advanced Machine Learning with Elixir’s FLAME and Nx Libraries

Sean Moriarity discusses how the FLAME library and Nx are shaping the future of elastic workloads in machine learning, positioning themselves as an alternative to traditional serverless solutions.

Combining Elixir's LiveView with JavaScript for Enhanced Interactivity

Combining Elixir's LiveView with JavaScript for Enhanced Interactivity

Augusto Alonso shares insights on overcoming the challenges of integrating a UI library with a Phoenix LiveView project, highlighting the conflicts between JavaScript's client-side nature and LiveView's server-side approach.

Veeps Streaming Service Scalability Case Study with Elixir

Veeps Streaming Service Scalability Case Study with Elixir

Hugo Baraúna discusses the use of Elixir in scaling Veeps, a streaming service, to support hundreds of thousands of concurrent viewers. He covers architectural changes, benefits, and experiences post-adoption of Elixir.

Structuring GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe

Structuring GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe

Meraj Molla details an approach for organizing GraphQL APIs using Absinthe and Phoenix in Elixir, suggesting a practical structure for real-world projects.

Elixir Video Course for Building a Minimum Viable Product

Elixir Video Course for Building a Minimum Viable Product

Peter Ullrich announces the release of his video course 'Build an MVP with Elixir' on Gumroad.

Guide to Using GraphQL with the Absinthe Elixir Library in Phoenix Framework

Guide to Using GraphQL with the Absinthe Elixir Library in Phoenix Framework

Karolina from Curiosum provides a step-by-step guide on how to integrate GraphQL in your Elixir applications using Absinthe and the Phoenix Framework.

Choosing Between Elixir/Phoenix and Ruby on Rails for a Scientific Research Collaboration Platform

Choosing Between Elixir/Phoenix and Ruby on Rails for a Scientific Research Collaboration Platform

The author 'cashsterling' is considering different technology stacks for building a web MVP that serves as an open platform for scientific research collaboration. They are weighing the benefits of using Elixir/Phoenix versus Ruby on Rails or Django and are seeking advice on the matter.

The Journey from React to Rails and Finally Embracing Elixir

The Journey from React to Rails and Finally Embracing Elixir

Theo reacts to a blog post by Daniel Bergholz, discussing the transition from using mainstream web development technologies like React, NextJS, TypeScript, to exploring Elixir, a language known for its beautiful syntax and functional programming paradigm.

Best Approaches to Learn Phoenix for Developers New to Elixir

Best Approaches to Learn Phoenix for Developers New to Elixir

SwishOps asks about the fastest way for an experienced developer to get productive with the Phoenix framework despite having no prior knowledge of Elixir.

Expanding Phoenix to Support Multiple Web Servers

Expanding Phoenix to Support Multiple Web Servers

Mat Trudel's talk at ElixirConf EU 2023 covers the Phoenix 1.7 release which includes full support for web servers beyond Cowboy, unlocked by a significant refactoring of the foundational code within Phoenix. The new functionality allows for complete support of WebSockets, Channels, and LiveView.

Implementing Asynchronous Telemetry in Elixir

Implementing Asynchronous Telemetry in Elixir

Christian Alexander discusses how to implement asynchronous analytics tracking in Elixir applications using the Telemetry library and GenServer to improve performance and app responsiveness.

Issues with mix hex.outdated Command and Dependency Updates in Elixir

Issues with mix hex.outdated Command and Dependency Updates in Elixir

marcmerrillofficial is experiencing an issue where the `mix hex.outdated` command in Elixir suggests that updates for certain dependencies (Phoenix and PlugCowboy) are available, but running `mix deps.update --all` does not apply these updates.

Announcing ex_webrtc: A WebRTC Implementation in Elixir

Announcing ex_webrtc: A WebRTC Implementation in Elixir

Łukasz Wala announces the release of ex_webrtc, an Elixir implementation of the W3C WebRTC specification.

Improving UX in LiveView with Alpine.js

Improving UX in LiveView with Alpine.js

Artur Ziętkiewicz discusses the integration of Alpine.js to enhance interactivity in Phoenix LiveView applications.

How to Deploy a Phoenix App with Clustering on Nomad

How to Deploy a Phoenix App with Clustering on Nomad

Theron describes the process of running a Phoenix application on Nomad with a focus on setting up rolling deployments and ensuring redundancy.

Discussion on Real-Time Product Development Using Elixir and Phoenix

Discussion on Real-Time Product Development Using Elixir and Phoenix

Filipe Cabaco, along with hosts Allen Wyma and Adi Iyengar, delve into the real-time product development at Supabase using Elixir and Phoenix channels, covering topics such as load testing, scalability, and Postgres optimizations.

Implementing Observability in Phoenix Applications with Grafana

Implementing Observability in Phoenix Applications with Grafana

This article explains the process of setting up observability in Phoenix applications using the Grafana stack: Loki, Mimir, and Tempo with Docker Compose.

Discussion on Using Svelte with Phoenix LiveView

Discussion on Using Svelte with Phoenix LiveView

tears_falling inquires about experiences integrating Svelte with Phoenix LiveView using the LiveSvelte project, asking for insights on issues, performance, and alternatives for complex client-side code and offline support.

Integrating Mutable Data in Elixir Projects with Rust and Rustler

Integrating Mutable Data in Elixir Projects with Rust and Rustler

The article discusses how mutable state management, normally not a fit for Elixir, can be incorporated into Elixir projects by using Rust through Rustler.

Understanding Phoenix Logging with Telemetry and Plug.Telemetry

Understanding Phoenix Logging with Telemetry and Plug.Telemetry

The blog post explores how the Phoenix framework logs information about HTTP requests and responses using telemetry and Plug.Telemetry.

Resolving Flaky Tests with Faker in Elixir

Resolving Flaky Tests with Faker in Elixir

John Elm Labs provides insights on fixing flaky tests in Elixir applications caused by HTML encoded characters with Faker-generated data.

Understanding Elixir Macros for Metaprogramming

Understanding Elixir Macros for Metaprogramming

George Arrowsmith's article discusses the concept of macros in Elixir, which are a critical part of metaprogramming in the language.

Podcast Episode Covering Recent Elixir Developments

Podcast Episode Covering Recent Elixir Developments

The podcast episode covers a variety of recent updates and interesting topics within the Elixir community, including a new Elixir release, testing tips, performance improvements with Bandit, the 10-year anniversary of a documentation tool, and a discussion on the misuse of AI.

Exploration of Phoenix's Router Functionality

Exploration of Phoenix's Router Functionality

Andrew Stewart provides a detailed guide on using the Phoenix web framework's router, emphasizing its complexity due to the extensive use of macros. He covers major concepts including HTTP verb routing, the use of LiveView, endpoint configuration, understanding of pipelines and scopes within the routing system, and the interaction between the router and the underlying web server (cowboy/bandit).

Advantages of Using Elixir for Solo SaaS Development in 2024

Advantages of Using Elixir for Solo SaaS Development in 2024

Tyler Young discusses the benefits of using Elixir for building a solo SaaS venture.

Exploring the Full Potential of the BEAM Runtime

Exploring the Full Potential of the BEAM Runtime

In a discussion at Code BEAM Europe 2023, Lars Wikman interviews both Saša Jurić, author and advocate for the Elixir programming language, and José Valim, the creator of Elixir, to discuss the untapped potential of the BEAM virtual machine. They explore what the community could be doing beyond the current applications and utilize the BEAM more fully.

Improving CI Workflows using Elixir and GitHub Actions

Improving CI Workflows using Elixir and GitHub Actions

This article discusses the sophisticated process of managing and optimizing GitHub Actions CI workflows using Elixir by the team at Optimum BH.

Implementing User Match Listings with Elixir LiveView

Implementing User Match Listings with Elixir LiveView

Lubien explains how to display a list of user matches on the frontend using Elixir's LiveView while exploring Ecto queries and stream handling.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Phoenix Applications Using Mix Releases

Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Phoenix Applications Using Mix Releases

Konrad Sowik explains the process of deploying a Phoenix application by creating a self-contained release package with mix releases, which is built into Mix since Elixir 1.9, making it unnecessary to use the Distillery library.

Development of the ElixirConf Chat Application using LiveView Native

Development of the ElixirConf Chat Application using LiveView Native

Cynthia Gandarilla outlines the journey of creating a chat application for ElixirConf 2023 using LiveView Native, showcasing the technology's ability to save time and money in mobile app development.

Integrating Python Libraries with Elixir

Integrating Python Libraries with Elixir

Maksymilian Jodłowski explores the utilization of Python libraries in the Elixir application by using ErlPort, which facilitates communication between Elixir and Python. This approach is helpful when specific libraries are missing in Elixir or when a developer prefers to use the abstractions from Python libraries they are more familiar with.

Summary of Thinking Elixir Podcast Episode 188

Summary of Thinking Elixir Podcast Episode 188

The hosts, Mark Ericksen, David Bernheisel, and Cade Ward, discuss recent updates in the Elixir community, including José Valim's big plans for ExDoc, the return of the Elixir Slack inviter as a Plug app, and the latest PhoenixTest project for unifying LiveView and static page tests.

Optimizing Network Data Transfer in Elixir LiveView with push_event

Optimizing Network Data Transfer in Elixir LiveView with push_event

Aziz Abdullaev discusses network optimization techniques for sending large amounts of data from LiveView to a client using the push_event mechanism in Elixir.

Overview of PhoenixTest for Elixir

Overview of PhoenixTest for Elixir

German Velasco introduces PhoenixTest, a tool for unified feature testing in Phoenix, seamlessly handling both LiveView and static pages.

Streamlining Phoenix App Deployment with Mix Releases

Streamlining Phoenix App Deployment with Mix Releases

Karolina from Curiosum introduces an efficient process for deploying Phoenix applications using Mix Releases.

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