The underlying technology of Erlang and BEAM is pivotal in various realms of modern software engineering, from networking and web development to machine learning and security. Contributing to the richness of the BEAM ecosystem, Erlang OTP team members discuss the intricacies of the language and libraries that power scalable, fault-tolerant applications. Parallelly, discussions within the Elixir community, particularly through Beam Radio, highlight Elixir's functional programming elegance, its concurrency models, and tools like Phoenix LiveView that are revolutionizing web development.

Elixir's capabilities are empowering developers to build complex, efficient systems with ease. The application of BEAM technologies spans across industries, with particular note in the fields of machine learning, where libraries like Nx and FLAME are posited as formidable alternatives in elastic workloads. In financial services, Erlang and Elixir's real-time processing and fault tolerance are underlined as key enablers.

Contributors enthusiastically share their experiences, ranging from Ash Framework's proponents elucidating its advantages for Elixir development to the exploration of security in Elixir coding practices and the use of tools safeguarding the codebase. Security experts discuss crucial aspects such as code security prioritization and elucidate on practices that strengthen application defenses within the ecosystem. The community also delves into the deployment of Elixir applications on a global scale, where developers leverage platforms like to distribute applications across the world with minimal logistics.

Observability features unique to the BEAM runtime are discussed, paired with insights into networking solutions that benefit from BEAM's robust architecture for handling connections and building resilient systems. The BEAM community celebrates its continuous adaptation and integration of cutting-edge solutions like the Nerves Project for embedded systems and the utilization of pattern-matching for high-performance text and name search features in databases like Postgres, often as replacements for technologies like Elasticsearch.

The Elixir community is vibrant with ongoing discourse about state handling, concurrency, distributed systems, and the BEAM's potential beyond its current applications. Dynamic discussions at conferences, such as ElixirConf, delve into topics like asset portfolio optimization and real-time product development, highlighting the BEAM's versatility. Learning and knowledge sharing are cornerstones of the community, with engagements ranging from hosting informative episodes on dependency management to utilizing frameworks that integrate effortlessly with Elixir, among other best practices.

Exploring Concurrency in Elixir with The Actor Model

Exploring Concurrency in Elixir with The Actor Model

Lars Wikman provides an in-depth look at The Actor Model as it pertains to Elixir and the underlying BEAM VM, debunking the terminology's use in Elixir while covering processes, message passing, GenServers, and architectural patterns.

Discussion on OpenID Connect with Jonatan Männchen

Discussion on OpenID Connect with Jonatan Männchen

Jonatan Männchen leads technology at Sustema and is a member of ErlEF's security working group. He is featured in this episode to discuss the power of OpenID Connect on the BEAM.

Discovering the Hidden Value of Elixir Beyond Functional Programming

Discovering the Hidden Value of Elixir Beyond Functional Programming

Owen Bickford discusses why Elixir is his preferred programming language, highlighting its functional paradigm, concurrency, and fault tolerance. He also delves into a lesser talked about feature of Elixir that allows it to solve problems previously considered unfit for the language and the BEAM.

Discussion with Jenny Bramble on Testing in Software Development

Discussion with Jenny Bramble on Testing in Software Development

Jenny Bramble joins the panel to discuss testers and developers and shares insights on making code better. Check out Jenny's ElixirConf 2023 talk: Black Box Techniques for Unit Tests.

Methods of State Management in Elixir and BEAM

Methods of State Management in Elixir and BEAM

Isaac Yonemoto presents 11 different ways to store state in the BEAM VM, discussing the dangers of shared state in distributed and concurrent systems. This talk is aimed at both beginners and experienced developers, providing examples and insights to help programmers avoid potential pitfalls.

The Comprehensive Capabilities of Elixir and Phoenix

The Comprehensive Capabilities of Elixir and Phoenix

Jason Stiebs explains why Elixir and Phoenix are an excellent choice for developers, highlighting the various features and advantages of the language and framework. Learn about the built-in support for concurrency, distribution, RPC, low resource usage, and more!

Automated Telemetry for Elixir Production Environments

Automated Telemetry for Elixir Production Environments

Chris Bailey discusses the work that his team at Vetspire has done to automate the process of bootstrapping an easy, ergonomic Telemetry solution for Elixir production apps, making good metrics/traces/telemetry less manual, repetitive, and error-prone.

Understanding Web Application Security in Elixir with Sobelow

Understanding Web Application Security in Elixir with Sobelow

Michael Lubas delves into the tricky world of cybersecurity, discussing the 23andMe data breach and the informative guide on web application security best practices for BEAM languages. He also explores the practical application of Sobelow, a security-focused static code analysis tool, using's vulnerable-by-design 'Potion Shop' app as a case study.

An Overview of http_cache for BEAM

An Overview of http_cache for BEAM

Introducing http_cache, a BEAM-native standard-compliant HTTP caching library. Tangui explains the motivation and features behind the Erlang library along with 2 Elixir libraries that make use of it.

Enhancing Elixir Performance using NIFs

Enhancing Elixir Performance using NIFs

Andres C Alejos discusses the power of Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) in Elixir and shares tips for working with them. He also provides real-world examples of using NIFs and showcases the EXGBoost library.

Exploring Elixir's Unique Observability Features

Exploring Elixir's Unique Observability Features

Lars Wikman shares insights on the observability features unique to the BEAM runtime and how Elixir has excellent tools for monitoring and debugging applications.

Deep Dive into LiveView Processes in Elixir

Deep Dive into LiveView Processes in Elixir

Jason Stiebs delves into the process aspect of LiveView in his talk at ElixirConf 2023, exploring the implications and demonstrating how to spy on an active LiveView.

Developing AI Applications Using Elixir

Developing AI Applications Using Elixir

Charlie Holtz discusses prototyping and deploying AI agents with Elixir, highlighting the benefits of using the BEAM + Elixir Agents for building specialized AI models and applications in a distributed, functional, and scalable manner.

Creating and Managing Distributed Elixir Tasks on

Creating and Managing Distributed Elixir Tasks on

Jason Stiebs shows how to use Elixir and to start a Machine anywhere in the world, execute code on it, and communicate with it as if it was running locally. The post explains how to achieve global distribution and highlights the benefits of using Elixir with a distributed global network.

Discussion and Insights on Elixir Development

Discussion and Insights on Elixir Development

Adi, Allen, and Sascha dive deep into observability and tracing in the Beam, discussing the advantages of using open telemetry and exploring different levels of observability, from Phoenix Live View to telemetry and tracing operations in large pipelines.

Integrating Prometheus Metrics and Grafana Dashboards with Elixir using PromEx

Integrating Prometheus Metrics and Grafana Dashboards with Elixir using PromEx

Alexandre Moreira Xavier shows you how to build your own Prometheus metrics using PromEx. PromEx is a library made by Alexander Koutmos that helps you integrate your Elixir application with Prometheus and Grafana.

ElixirConf 2023 Behind the Scenes Episode 59

ElixirConf 2023 Behind the Scenes Episode 59

Beam Radio presents the final ElixirConf bonus episode featuring interviews with speakers and attendees, including Greg Vaughn, Jenny Bramble, Desmond Bowe, José Valim, Ryan Schneck, Razvan Draghici, Sam McDavid, and more.

Understanding Elixir's Low Latency Capabilities

Understanding Elixir's Low Latency Capabilities

Lars explores how Elixir leverages Erlang's soft real-time capability and consistently low latency to provide a near-realtime experience and enhance user satisfaction.

Managing Large Files in Elixir Applications

Managing Large Files in Elixir Applications

Claudio Ortolina discusses the challenges of handling large files in Elixir and provides recommendations and strategies to mitigate memory-related issues. The post also includes three use cases, along with measurements and approaches for each case, offering a methodical approach for working with large files in similar situations.

Asynchronous Task Management in Phoenix LiveView

Asynchronous Task Management in Phoenix LiveView

In this blog post, Mark Ericksen explains how to build an asynchronous workflow in a LiveView using Elixir's concurrency primitives. He demonstrates how to link processes, trap exits, and handle tasks, providing a step-by-step guide to achieve an elegant and efficient solution.

Exploring Nx and Tensors Beyond Machine Learning in Elixir

Exploring Nx and Tensors Beyond Machine Learning in Elixir

This post by Jason Stiebs explores the use of NX with Elixir for efficient math programming. It explains how tensors can be used to perform various mathematical operations and highlights the potential of NX for tasks like machine learning and image manipulation.

From Python to Elixir Machine Learning

From Python to Elixir Machine Learning

Andres C Alejos discusses the growth of Elixir's machine learning ecosystem and why now is a good time to start porting machine learning code into Elixir. He provides practical tips and examples for developers looking to move from Python to Elixir for machine learning projects.

Insights on Using Elixir and Phoenix for Commercial Projects

Insights on Using Elixir and Phoenix for Commercial Projects

Alex Korban shares his thoughts on using Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView for a commercial project over the past 18 months. He finds Elixir enjoyable with a good combination of functional programming and concurrency, and while there are some areas that could be improved, both Elixir and Phoenix are solid tools with LiveView being an impressive addition for more complex applications.

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